[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200416/f3c69712fa376f7a004d019cd5d5c73c.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][right][sub]Ferris Wood [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Winding Paths[/sub][/right][hr] [color=goldenrod]“Most powerful monsters, huh?”[/color] Mitra uttered, as she peered through her side of the woods. [color=goldenrod]“Geeze, this day can't get any weirder.”[/color] Mitra twirled her spear in her hands as she thought about Edgar and the proctor’s words. Miasma. Aldite. She thought back to some of her assignments as a dragoon by the people in charge of the Empire, it checked it out, though she had never been in a forest filled with miasma before. If the forest was acting as a trap, she had to make sure she listened very carefully to the forest and to her party members. When Avaddon leaped into the fray she had shouted out, but he had decided to not even think. It was like when Blaike had suggested advance scouts go forward. With Balder stating the group had to go find him to make sure he didn’t get killed she felt elated that her instincts had been correct. Had Luna or someone else been sent out to scout ahead, they would’ve surely been caught off-guard. [i]Scary stuff.[/i] [color=goldenrod]“Ianthe, can you cover the right flank? Since the weirdo monk decided to jump into the forest? I think, if we’re going to chase after him we should cover our weak spots.”[/color] It was almost a dragoon-like instinct, to command like she did, but Mitra tried her best to frame it as a request rather than a order. She had been good for this long pretending to be on her best behavior and masking her personality's impulses. But if they were going into the brush, she knew that the right side of the group needed to be covered. [/indent][/indent][/indent]