[CENTER][h3][color=lightseagreen]S A I T O[/color] Clearing >> Cave >> Elder's Chamber[/h3] [i][b]Seeking Answers[/b][/i] [@Dark Light][@RC3][/CENTER] [hr] His brother missed the shot, as expected. The frog was slow to turn, slow to react. The other goblin was also charging, perhaps mimicking Saito, drawing back his fist. But as the frog croaked yet again--perhaps in preparation for something, they would never find out--Saito's blow crashed into the back of its head. A dangerous weak point for any creature, right where the skull met the spine. His companion followed up a beat afterwards, and they felt cartilage and bone crumple under their knuckles. The creature slumped over. Saito blinked as he caught his breath, and stepped back from the corpse. He looked at his brother, then put his broad hands on his scrawny hips. "Well done." He bent down to examine the frog for a moment. "You did most of the work, though it did not fall in your trap. I'll take just a bit, and you can use the innards or leftovers as bait instead. Sound fair?" Taking [b]one[/b] of the beast's [b]Sharp Frog Fangs[/b], Saito worked its point at one of the fat amphibious legs until he had ripped it out of the hip socket. He stood up, bowed his head not quite below eye-level to his brother as a sign of respect, then turned to head back to the cave. He looked up at the sun, and at the various trees, as he walked and took a bite out of the Dragon Frog's leg. He chewed, working his mind in concert with his jaw. What was this world? Where were they? What other places might be nearby? The cave was made of rock--was it connected to the base of a mountain? How far did this forest go? There had to be water somewhere. He wanted to find it, since the blood of his prey could only slake his thirst for so long. But, he also wondered what other creatures might be in this forest. Somehow, he got the sense that he might have gotten lucky thus far. What if he ran into something that didn't curl up and sit there like the Shrew, or that was faster and smarter than the frog? If he kept exploring like this, surely he would run into something somewhere that he couldn't handle. He entered the clearing in front of the cave, and looked around to see what other goblins had returned from their hunts as well as what they had caught. And it was here that he had a realization: the other goblins! That old goblin, the one who had named him, the one who had marked his head just two days ago when he could hardly move his own limbs. Perhaps that goblin could answer his questions...but just where was the fellow? Saito bit another chunk out of the frog leg. He had gnawed most of it down to the bone now, and he rolled the meat around in his mouth as he debated whether or not he liked the flavor. Once again he entered the cave and headed to his corner near the wall. He examined the ground intently to make sure no other goblins had been messing around with his stash of hunting trophies. He also hid the Sharp Frog Fang the same way, and finished off the last webbed toe on his frog leg before tossing the bone back with the other gristly bits he had collected. If he used that sharp fang, maybe he could eventually poke some holes in that Shrew's hide...and then maybe thread some vines through it, so that he could use it as...as what? Some form of protection that he could wear, like his loincloth? That would be a project for later. For now, he wanted to find the elder... As the auburn-haired goblin's amber eyes gazed about the cave, he eventually settled on the dark crevice in the very back. He had never gone back there before. Was there another side to the cave, another exit? If the old goblin wasn't out here...maybe he wasn't out hunting, either. So it followed reasoning, especially now that Saito was well fed and his thoughts were clear, that the elder might also be further inside the cave. Goblin Saito headed deeper into the darkness, his eyes making out the dim surroundings more easily than he had thought they would. "Ah...Elder? Are you back here?" he called, his voice echoing back and forth between the narrow walls. He thought it sounded odd, to hear his own voice. "I...I have questions, for you. Things I would know about these lands." [hider=Actions] 1. Saito takes 1 Sharp Frog Fang, uses it to cut off a Leg of the Dragon Frog. Leaves the rest for Reshy. 2. Saito eats the Dragon Frog Leg. Absorbs [???] - Defensive Skill (Passive). 3. Saito heads back to the cave, checks his stash of spoils to make sure no one has stolen it. Hides the Sharp Frog Fang and the Dragon Frog Leg Bone here as well. 4. Saito approaches the Elder Goblin and asks if the Elder will answer his questions. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] Currently in Hidey Hole: Scaled Hide x1 (Scale Shrew) Scaled Tail x1 (Scale Shrew) Pointy Stick x2 (Broken Staff) Rock x1 Scaled Shrew Bones x2 (Femurs, half a foot long each) Scaled Shrew Skull x1 (Fangs are small and not sharp, skull is small and fits in a goblin's hand) Sharp Frog Fang x1 Dragon Frog Leg Bone x1 Currently on Person: Loincloth x1 [/hider]