[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=Gold]Artemis “Arty” Harrington[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/670658152244445184/Twin_Resize.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=gold]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 3 -> Knight Bus: Middle Back. [b][color=gold]Magic:[/color][/b]Charms[/center][hr] [color=gold] “And that’s why it’s bloody awful! They’re so cute! why does everyone sacrifice them?”[/color] Artie complained. He quite disliked chess of any type. Muggle chess was just plain boring and once the thrill of the wizarding gimmick wore off, it was just as dull. [color=gold] “I like Exploding Snaps better. No choosing sacrifices, no bloody death eaters, no awful brothers who can’t. Keep. His. Head. To. Himself. Just plain fun with an exciting [i]pop[/i] you’re never quite ready for!”[/color] Arty stated definitively, poking his sibling in the cheek with his finger with every punctuation. He watched as the Knight bus popped up and frowned at it. He hadn’t been prepared for this and he [i]really[/i] didn’t want to lug Apollo’s body around. Because there wasn’t anyway [i]that[/i] couldn’t be seen horribly. He was about to work the counter charm when he realized his brother was stirring out of his catatonic state. [color=gold]“Well, there he is! Rise and shine, it’s a beautiful day!”[/color] Arty said in a sing song, pushing his brother up into a sitting position. [color=gold] “I’m going to get our luggage onto our newer, radder, totally not you-know-who infested ride! Stay right here for now please.”[/color] He patted Apollo on the head like a child with a laugh, an outlet for the relief bubbling up and threatening to overwhelm him at his brother moving around again, and whipped his wand around with an outrageous flourish, just calming his motions as he cast. Apollo’s luggage lifted obediently and he gave them a little pat too and marched them around where Mary mentioned. He repeated the process with his own luggage and returned to get his brother. [color=gold]“Come on Georgina! We got a rad spot right in the back, the view is great!”[/color] Artie beamed at her. [color=gold] “I’ve never been on the Knight Bus though. I’m so excited!”[/color] If Artie wasn’t insisting on fussing over Apollo, it was practically guaranteed he’d be bouncing in place and then zipping all over it and pestering the driver with questions.