[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] Ellie heard Emily going apeshit but barely cared. What was new? She always did that, plus Ellie was exhausted and feeling the exact opposite of perfect. She accepted Lyss' help to her feet and gave her a mumbled, but sincere, [color=00aeef]"Thank you."[/color] The FBI apparently let them get away with quite a lot, but the price bothered her. A favor. So nondescript, the same kind of thing her parents would say before having her slave away all day. Then the subject turned to leadership. [i]Not again.[/i] Ellie remained quiet and sat on the roulette table. She was starting to find the place less charming now that it was filled with the smell of vomit. Speaking of vomitting, Herik walked back in. SHE FORGOT HIM! She blushed, extremely embarrassed. She noticed he had gotten sick, which was not a surprise when you weren't used to teleporting, but she said she'd be back. She meekly hopped off of the table and sat next to Herik, looking down at her feet the whole time. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry that I left you behind. I-I was trying to help the others and exhausted myself... and forgot about coming back..."[/color] She was quiet but she had turned to him so her words were directed straight to him.