Ardonne gingerly flipped a page, regarding the culinary and medicinal uses of nettles as one of the party was abruptly awoken from his slumber. Initially she just watched Mort. Her eyes were full of questions - out of everyone assembled, it was starting to become apparent that he was the object of her fascination. She was dismissive towards the rest but curious towards Mort. Whatever it was that held her attention would remain unspoken for now; there were more pressing matters at hand. "What is it," Ardonne hissed as Mort looked to and fro. "Are you frightened?" Even now she spoke with a goading sneer didn't seem intentional. There was a reason, after all, that she had come to be known as a generally unpleasant little shit by the people who knew her. There was no way she was looking for a fight at this time in the morning, surrounded by capable and level headed veterans who'd pummel some sense into her if that's what it'd take. She just seemed to still be ruffled the wrong way by their meeting and a lack of sleep.