[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Interacting with: [color=fc8686]Madalyn[/color] [@Achronum][/sub] [/center] Amaris lightly tapped at her bottom lip with the knuckle of her first finger as she set to work trying to place the new information. Unfortunately, Maddie’s guess of the raven potentially connecting to the Noila’s family crest didn’t set off any immediate bells. “[color=f49ac2]Seems that I’m still missing something then, but what could it be?[/color]” She asked aloud, though more for herself than for her partner. Thinking about the second statement with the raven standing in for the princess only served to confuse the vampress more. Instead of just two sentences reading true all three of them did, something that didn’t change no matter which royal Amaris tried to swap the aforementioned raven for. There had to be something about the riddle the countess was misunderstanding, but what? [i][color=f49ac2]I don’t have time for this! I have to solve this quickly. It is my job to protect Maddie, I will NOT let her down.[/color][/i] The countess’ voice seemed to echo back to her within her mind, repeating over and over until the words began to fall apart and only ‘I’ remained. Somewhere along the way, Amaris had forgotten the tasks were meant to be a team effort. Each of them had knowledge or experience the other did not, different perspectives that would allow them both to reach distances much further than either could alone. This didn’t just stop at figuring out which direction to walk or what color bell to select but extended to the simple things, how to walk and think. Amaris had made so many assumptions about the riddle that she had forgotten to include the one person she was supposed to be able to trust the most. “[color=f49ac2]Alright Maddie, I need to borrow your mind for a moment. Please listen to my words carefully and let me know your thoughts. I get the feeling I might be too close to this to look at it objectively.[/color]” The images of her previous partners flashed through her mind again, quickly pushed away as Amaris worked to recall the words spoken to her by the snake. Quickly but clearly, Amaris relayed the information of the rules, as well as each of the three statements, to her partner and then waited. Despite the ticking clock, Amaris couldn’t help but to keep her mind focused on what responses her partner might have for her. She just hoped it might contain some kind of clue instead of the ever growing list of questions Amaris seemed to find herself entangled in.