The subterranean Temple of the Mighty Bear was a feat of architectural brilliance, carved through the generations from rock and wood by clever dwarfen hands. Built to dwarfen standards more importantly, and not with the personification of the Mighty One’s messenger in mind. Rainbow might’ve been considerate to shaved off a foot or two in his illusion crafting, for although Caleb surely towered over any dwarf in a presence of intimidation, he was forced to bend his knees and crane his neck to stuff himself in the temple’s entrance hall. Sensing Caleb’s discomfort Karrass bowed so low his beard brushed the well swept floor saying. “O’ Mighty One, woe upon Karrass, and all those foolish enough not to have foreseen! Your devoted servant would have all the ceilings raised so you might stand at ease.” He seemed really distraught by his lack of foresight, and for a moment Caleb almost felt sorry for him, but then he saw the stone knife sheathed at Karrass’ hip, and recalled what they’d done to Rainbow’s crew, and what they had almost done to him. “This displeases the Mighty One.” Caleb rumbled, or at least tried to rumble. His voice sounded far too tenor to belong to a bear. “Yes, yes this will never do.” Karrass agreed, but he looked hopeful. “Karrass knows of just the place, deep, deep below in the Hall of Sacrifice where the rock is thick and strong, we built the arches to stand twenty meters high! You might stand and leap and never touch the roof. This should be where your devoted servant will summon all to hear you O’ Mighty One.” Caleb concurred this would be acceptable. “Lead on loyal cub.” He thought the dwarf might turn at once and lead him further beneath the ground, down into the stilted, oppressive air and darkness. Instead Karrass despite standing before his idol possessed the presence of mind to close and lock the entrance behind them. Caleb gagged, Rainbow would still be trapped outside, unable to aid or follow. Did the little goblin’s magic have a range to it? He had never mentioned it, only that he was limited in his powers. Caleb glanced down at his hands, they were paws, real flesh and blood and fur, whatever illusion Rainbow cast was not yet broken. “Wait!” Caleb commanded as the dwarf prepared to turn. Karrass stopped at once, bowing low. “Yes O’ Mighty One?” “The door should be left open, I uh, desire it.” This certainly confused Karrass, Caleb could tell at once he had surprised the dwarf, but for what reason he could not imagine. All he had asked was that the door remain open, surely this was not so foreign to Karrass. The dwarf stuttered, and scratched at his tattoo as if thinking his god was testing him. “But, but the Ados Koarah, Karrass knows it by heart! To leave one’s door ajar behind one is an anathema, for this blatant disregard surely displeases the Mighty Bear… But if you command it, your devoted servant will not disobey.” “That was written out of context.” Caleb stated, grasping for straws, and wishing he were cleverer. Rainbow would surely be grinding his teeth at how badly he was spoiling things, if he had not already given up on Caleb as a lost cause and gone home that is. “…Written?” This gave Karrass pause and the dwarf seemed lost in thought, his eyes glinting with, was it more confusion or was that suspicion? Caleb inched his hand towards the hilt of his sword ever so slowly, painfully aware of the knife the dwarf possessed. He might have longer arms, and perhaps equal or greater strength, but he could not hope to dodge or maneuver in this cramped environment. Every second felt a lifetime to Caleb, though in truth it was probably no more than a moment’s time. Karrass shook his head, a smile upon his lips. “Karrass would not question the wisdom of the Mighty One’s Messenger.” He bowed, and then retrieved his key, allowing the entrance to spring open once more. Fresh air flowed down into the entrance hall giving the illusioned boy renewed hope. Caleb suppressed a sigh of relief, the illusion held, and now Rainbow could follow, everything was going to plan. “Follow Karrass O’ All Knowing One, he will show you. Karrass is loyal, Karrass is cunning, Karrass will lead you to the Hall of Sacrifice, O’ Mighty One.”