[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/s6IF3pB.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=05794C]Location:[/color][/b] The Galley -> Atrium [b][color=05794C]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center][hr] [color=05794C]"It seems like it. How rude, ask questions about something and then completely ignore the answer,"[/color] she responded to Gordon before looking over at Cal, a bit annoyed that she had asked about her keeping the jaw from the robot with her. [color=05794C]"You have no idea how useful robotic parts can be! I can't take the whole head with me or anything like that, seriously. Use your brain if you have one!"[/color] she retaliated towards her, before another idea crossed her mind and she switched her attention back towards the robot's head. Setting the jaw down for a split second, she took her hand and reached towards the robot's right eye, before she carefully used her fingers to pry the eyeball out of it's socket. Having also stopped caring about whether or not she got dirty or anything. Picking the jaw back up as well, she stood up from the ground and looked at the eyeball in her hand. [color=05794C]"Come along Mr. Eyeball, let's see what trouble everyone else is getting into shall we?"[/color] she said to the eye, not expecting a response or anything as she left the room to see what everyone else was looking at. [color=05794C]"What's going on out here?"[/color] she asked, walking over and glancing up at the window, her eyes growing wide as she glanced up towards the window. [color=05794C]"Whoa... That's cool,"[/color] she muttered, almost holding up the eyeball so that if it actually was a living thing that could see, it would be looking out the window too. [color=05794C]"What do you think about it Mr. Jaws? We definitely aren't where we're supposed to be I don't think,"[/color] Zarina spoke turning to look at the robotic jaw that was in her other hand. When she heard Raynor suggest cutting people or whatever to determine if they were a robot or not, she instantly waved the hand with the jaw in it around. [color=05794C]"Oooooh you can cut me open! I want to know how the non-robotic body works anyway!"[/color] she said instantly, before lowering her hands and looking once more at the robotic parts in her hands. [color=05794C]"Though I think I should probably see about getting Mr. Eyeball and Mr. Jaws cleaned at some point, since the green hydraulic fluid is everywhere!"[/color]