[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4yS8QqqT/image.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@Achronum][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Kirah][@TrainerBlue192][@Framing A Moose][hr][color=FFDF00][b]September 1st, 1984 - 1:50 P.M.[/b][/color][/center][hr][b]NPC Locations - [/b][list] [*]Talbott Winger was seated in the top front, alone. [*]Andre Egwu was looking for a place to sit on the top deck. [*]Penny and Beatrice Haywood, Chiara Lobasca, Bill and Charlie Weasley, and Nymphadora Tonks were all still on the Hogwarts Express, trying to get their luggage off and onto the Knight Bus. [*]Barnaby Lee was sitting with Hagrid in the front of the bottom deck, having an enthusiastic conversation about Hagrid's new puppy. [*]Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk, and the rest of Merula's gang were seated in the center of the middle deck, glancing over at the back and snickering. [*]The Head Boy and Head Girl were outside of the Knight Bus, helping startled first years get their belongings off of the train. [/list][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uiLzUWI.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=41700D]Location:[/color][/b] Hogwarts Express: Compartment 13 -> the Knight Bus: Top Center [b][color=41700D]Magic:[/color][/b] Pocket Sneakoscope, Charms [/center][hr] [color=41700D]"Honestly, Zelds, this isn't even the weirdest stuff you've seen me covered in,"[/color] Paige pointed out with a shrug. She blinked a few times after Zelda used the Scouring Charm on her, now smelling faintly of lavender soap. Her ginger hair gleamed in the light and her clothes didn't have a speck of dirt on them. If anything, Paige felt a bit [i]too[/i] clean. She was a messy person by nature, always willing to get down into the muck, and that tended to mean she never was entirely spotless. Zelda's father must not have seen her covered in rat guts - that or he didn't say a word. Paige didn't really care. Once when she had been at Zelda's house, she came back inside covered in mud and gravel. Only Zelda's sister seemed to really mind. [color=41700D]"We're sitting on the top, right?"[/color] Paige confirmed with Zelda. [color=41700D][i]"Wingardium Leviosa!"[/i][/color] Paige cast, her wand aimed at her luggage. She picked up Hestia and held her securely with one hand, her wand with the other. It was a bit of a nightmare getting off of the train - Andre and Talbott had slipped out to get their own things - what with everyone either lugging their belongings or sending them flying through the air. Paige beamed as she saw Hagrid. She rather liked him, even if he was incredibly dim witted. [color=41700D]"Oh my gosh, Hagrid has a new puppy!"[/color] she squealed to Zelda, as they got onto the Knight Bus. Paige hurried up the spiral staircase of sorts until they reached the top deck and she moved towards the back, as everyone knew the raddest kids sat back there. She stopped abruptly in the center however, seeing that Elizabeth was in the back. [color=41700D]"So... What do you reckon Death Eaters were doing on the train?"[/color] she added, her tone changing to a more serious one. Her sneakoscope had ceased making noise ever since they got onto the Knight Bus. She gently lowered her luggage to the ground by her seat - it was more of an armchair than an ordinary bus seat.