[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dR0g1Vq/image.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Cardiff, Wales: February 14th, 2021 - 5:50 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8k67nDb4/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=f6989d]Location:[/color][/b] Outside HM Prison Cardiff -> Hangar - the Hub [b][color=f6989d]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] The guards were too morose to really question why Matt had shoved the helmet on Thane's head as they exited the prison, emerging into what was essentially a battlefield soaked in the blood of their fallen coworkers. Yes, they worked at a prison but even then, they didn't head into work expecting to die. They complained about their job just like anyone else, eventually even becoming numb to the dangers. This was too sobering of an experience. [color=f6989d]"Says the man with a shattered knee,"[/color] Bonnie argued to Flynn. The gashes on her face weren't too deep - the blood had largely stopped flowing. Tempest had come on through the portal Strange created with the others and once Tempest had seen to those with more serious conditions, Bonnie figured she could ask for a quick patch up. Sparky swayed and fell to the ground unconscious, barely caught in time by Maria. They needed to get Sparky stabilized [i]fast[/i]. [color=f6989d]"We have ways of bypassing the skin - a needle through the eye. It won't be fun, but it'll do the trick and there won't be lasting damage to your optic tissue,"[/color] she explained to Cass. Oliver was taking a phone call and Bonnie hadn't seen Tinley emerge from the prison yet, but there was no time to waste. She'd let herself be chewed out later for this. She'd rather break the chain of command than let innocent people suffer. [color=f6989d]"Strange, transport us all back to the Hub in San Fransisco. We have facilities there capable of holding Thane and shielding that should help against the Black Order, when or if they return... The virology team can work on Cass and Sparky. I'll call in a favor, get Sparky a transfusion of blood from the J. Howlett stash."[/color] Strange nodded. [color=53A981]"Of course, Agent Chase - happy to oblige,"[/color] he said. He walked up to Thane and began muttering some ancient words, as magical glowing chains formed around him. [color=53A981]"We can take it from here,"[/color] he promised the guards, as Strange seemingly flicked Thane. Thane's image flickered and he rematerialized in the holding cell on the quinjet. He then worked expertly with his sling ring - one by one, he got all of the agents onto the quinjet. Once they were all assembled, he created a large portal underneath the quinjet that led to the hangar in the Hub. The quinjet fell on through and suddenly, they were in San Fransisco. It was mid morning, about 9:50 A.M. to be precise. [color=53A981]"I'll establish some warding to hide you all from the Black Order, yet if they reappear I will leave to face them in combat,"[/color] Strange warned. Bonnie hobbled over to a side compartment in the quinjet, producing a floating stretcher. She shoved it through the air over to Maria. [color=f6989d]"Put Sparky on this and get her to the labs ASAP. I need to make a call."[/color] She then pulled out her phone and went to her favorites in the contact list, dialing up her favorite forensic technician. [color=f6989d]"Niah? I need you to get me a vial of J. Howlett. It's for Sparky. Life or death. And then meet us at virology, Cass is the cure."[/color]