[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200501/64c759b18a46f880279b43c54498c64d.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/6be98f569cf038d26ef439a015ec1206be24eb36/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f675046435f73505630615f4958413d3d2d3737333136323839302e313562626161376162346135333664663331343532383132343733382e676966[/img][/center] [color=3F6E6D]“But I didn’t even [i]go[/i] to the Great Bash! How is this fair?”[/color] Nolan Murphy was pissed. He had stormed out of the auditorium as soon as Emilia uttered her last word, steam nearly billowing out of his ears. Not only did he have to miss the Great Bash on account of a required Football team workout, but now he was on thin ice with the school even though he did nothing wrong. It was like someone had offered him a piece of cake, never gave it to him, and he gained 10 pounds anyway. It didn’t even make sense! Of course, he had wanted to go to the party originally. Nolan never passed up an opportunity to socialize, especially if there was alcohol involved. But after looking at the videos, specifically the one where Theo went all Hulk on Cassian, he was kind of glad he wasn’t there in person. He had too much on the line to fuck things up, which is why the news of his immediate academic probation was so frustrating. For once, he had done the right thing, but it completely backfired. [color=347195]“I’m trying to get in touch with the administration, but everyone has conveniently turned their phones on do not disturb… absolutely ridiculous.”[/color] The first thing Nolan did when he left the mandatory assembly was call his dad. He’d know what to do. This new status could very well mean his Football season might be put on hold indefinitely, which meant his father, [i]the head coach[/i], was going to be pissed too. Nolan felt relieved that his dad was assisting him instead of berating him, which in an alternate universe would have been the case if he had attended the Great Bash. [color=3F6E6D]“It’s fucking bullshit. I’m not letting a bunch of idiots who can't hold their liquor ruin my chances of getting into-”[/color] Nolan stopped himself before he said anything else. Medical School. That’s what he was going to say. Ruin his chances of getting into Medical School. Nolan’s dad was completely in the dark about his intentions after graduation, so if he had completed his sentence, that would have opened up a whole can of worms. The boy feigned a slight cough and continued, choosing his words carefully. [color=3F6E6D]“...ruin my chances of a record breaking season.”[/color] [color=347195]“Don’t worry, we’ll get this all sorted out before Friday’s game. The school can’t risk benching their best player. You’ll be on that field, I [i]promise[/i].”[/color] [color=3F6E6D][i]Phew, that was a close one.[/i][/color] Nolan almost spilled the beans, but he was thankful that he caught himself before he could. His dad couldn’t know that was the real reason why he was stressed out about this whole thing. It wasn’t the fact that his placement on the football team could be at risk, it was the issue of junior year being the most important year academically for Medical School applications. It was Nolan’s last opportunity to prove to the top medical schools that he was worthy of being accepted. That in itself made his skin crawl. [color=3F6E6D]“Okay, well call me when you get in touch with someone, or anyone for that matter. I’m going to the gym to try and get my mind off of this.”[/color] Removing the phone from his ear before his father had the chance to muster a goodbye, he ended the call and let out a deep exhale. The boy stood there silently for a moment, letting thoughts wildly race through his head. What the hell was he going to do? Everything he had been working toward over the past three years was about to crumble in right in front of him. He wasn’t even sure what emotion to feel- he went through the 5 stages of grief in the blink of an eye. A gentle buzz from his phone took Nolan out of his all consuming thoughts. A new text message from Nate, of all people. What did he want? Opening it and reading the short sentence, he couldn’t help but laugh at the boy's stupidity. It was clear the text was not meant for the entire student body, but here he was, reading what was meant to be private. [color=3F6E6D]“Nate... what a fucking [i]dumbass[/i]”[/color] Nolan scoffed, slipping his phone back into his pocket and walking in the direction of the student fitness center.