[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/5q0iKiaNgSFXLfZ8OF3I4mAnZgONiDkdQbzHeNmND4c/https/i.imgur.com/yOxwNT4.png[/img][hr] [color=orange][b]Location:[/b][/color] Compartment 15 -> Wherever Her Royal Highness Leads [color=orange][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=orange]"That'd be Flame here. Engorgement charm gone wrong,"[/color] Fae answered Madalyne, jutting a thumb at the raven-haired Slytherin beside her. She was still grinning like a madwoman, but she'd managed to compose herself enough to speak in coherent sentences. When the booming voice filled the train, somehow, though it might've seemed impossible, Fae appeared to become even more excited. She looked out the window, as if to confirm the disembodied voice was telling the truth. Sure enough, outside the train sat the tall, purple bus. [color=orange]"No way. We get to ride the rest of the way to Hogsmeade in the Knight Bus? That is so rad!"[/color] she exclaimed. Her gaze shifted from out the window to Penny as she asked for help, and Fae responded with a nod so fast one would think it might've given her whiplash. [color=orange]"Oh, yes, of course, I'd be more than happy to,"[/color] Fae said with an eagerness to serve that would rival even the most enthusiastic of house elves. She quickly realized, though, that she'd need her own bags as well, which were still in the compartment Fae and Elizabeth had occupied previously. [color=orange]"Uh, you guys go, I'll catch up. I just need to-"[/color] as she spoke, so too did Elizabeth, lifting her wand up and reciting the summoning charm. Within seconds, all her things were in front of her, including an absolutely terrified-looking Dickhead the Owl. She knew better than to put her finger in to try and comfort him. Last time she tried that, it almost got bitten off. So instead she hoisted him and the rest of her things up with such ease that one might think she was competing with Barnaby to see who could pick up their belongings with the least trouble. She gave Elizabeth a grateful nod, before amending her statement. [color=orange]"Never mind, I've got everything."[/color] As she followed Penny, Beatrice, and Chiara out, she looked at Maddy and Flame. [color=orange]"Once I help these ladies get situated, I'll look around for you two,"[/color] she said, the joy audible in her voice.