Emmaline tried to control her terror as she stepped forward to confront the strange animate statue. There were magics swirling around it that were far greater than any she could begin to comprehend. Her eyes darted between the creature and the opal alternately terrified and fascinated. Panic began to well up inside of her as she tried to come up with some sort of answer to the things questions. Over the years she had become so accustomed to lies and deceptions that she wasn't even sure she had the truth within her. There was no indication that the golem thing would accept her not answering though so she dredged through her soul to try to come up with an answer. Part of her wanted to say she desired gold, but some part of her warned her not to. Gold was a fine thing, but in and of itself it was a means to an end. "I want to be safe, I want to be free and..." she stammered over the last thing reluctant to bring it up infront of Amal but she was commited now so she forced herself to speak. "And I wish the Emir were alive so I could kill him again," she hissed savagely. The creature seemed to rear back and she closed her eyes preparing for it to strike, but instead it issued forth a low rocky chuckle that seemed to reverberate through Emmaline's spine. "Simple wishes Daughter of Asaph," the creature growled. "But honest ones," it concluded. There was a great billowing wind that whipped up blowing sandy grit in a veil across their eyes and then, as suddenly as it rose up, the wind died away and the statue was once again inanimate, its cat like grin just an artists rendition in stone. Emmaline blinked and then the opal rolled across the stones to rest at her feet. Somewhat reverently she reached down to touch it and rainbow light poured from it in a torrent running up her arm and into her open mouth like a faikr inhaling his vapors. She stood transfixed for a moment until the opal had sublimed away to nothing and then gasped. Half of the tattoed map on her arm was gone, clearing away the steps they had so far taken towards their goal.