[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] Ellie rolled her eyes at both Emily and Maya's explanation. [color=00aeef]"Don't listen to them."[/color] She squeaked out. She stood up and faced the four who had recently come in. Agatha left angrily and Ellie didn't blame her. This was a shit show. [color=00aeef]"We were gassed. I was reading and was slow to react because I was distracted. I got Herik to safety but by the time I checked back in on the hideout, things seemed pretty bad. Emily was trying to run away... Maya and Lyss were fighting. I tried to distract the fbi to save everyone... but I failed..."[/color] She explained as best she could. She was still pretty upset by her failure and her face was red and blotchy. She looked down apologetically, [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry... I'm supposed to get us out of danger, not run around like a loser..."[/color] Kayla then spoke up for the position of leader. Elise wasn't sure about that at all. She was the one that had the idea to fight the vampires and that led the FBI to them. [color=00aeef]"Kayla... I appreciate you and your willingness to help... but I don't know if you should be our leader.... it was your job that got us noticed by the FBI in the first place."[/color] She felt like that had to be addressed, and also assumed no one would question her being leader with her outgoing attitude, so it was Ellie's socially awkward ass that had to bring it up. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img][/center] Jess couldn't help but burst out in laughter when she heard the FBI had attacked them. It was in hysterics more than humor. [color=f26522]"You guys fought them!? What the fuck!?"[/color] She managed to get out over her hysterics. Jess managed to let her fit die down. [color=f26522]"Yeah... they'll be coming back. Though the fact they even left at all is weird. You cut a deal or something?"[/color] Maybe Jess had never been in cahoots with the feds before but she was no stranger to daytime tv. Kayla threw her hat in the ring to be leader. Of course she did, she was crazy strong and a go-getter, and she was exactly the fire that Jess needed to start learning new spells and trying new forms of attack. She felt she was hopelessly outclassed in their fight, and needed to catch up, not knowing that she was the main reason the Hound actually let them leave. [color=f26522]"I'd be cool with it. You're tough Kayla, and yeah maybe you got us into a gang fight, but it was kind of justified. I think you'd do fine as the leader. If not you, then my vote would be for Madison."[/color] Jess had respect for the girls now, all three of them that went with her, even if Molly was currently a demon, which was still a whole problem. Jess decided to let someone else bring that up.