[@Zyshi] I tend to wait for someone else to review the person who reviewed me, so I don't seem biased either way. But I guess it can't be helped. So despite the song consisting of mostly one line and a vocal phrased repeated, it actually works very well. Probably because the production is so tight. That, and I'm usually in favor of multiple vocalists. With the woman's voice in particular getting some subtle time to shine. (Being that it's a bit soft compared to the music.) However, her "aaah" that goes on for nearly thirty seconds is unexpected I grant, but it that might be my least favorite part of the song? Because sure, it's pretty and all, but it seems like the song would build intensity from there. Yet it goes for a period of quiet ambiance, which the impact of ("Oh, that sounds nice.") starts to wear on me 5,10, maybe 15 seconds in. Admittedly, instrumental ambiance is often a hard sell for my personal taste. And when she does start singing, I think it fits better. So I wonder if the song would've been improved with more vocals versus her extended "aaah". But I enjoyed it. 7.75/10 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pRMrGhnqKI[/youtube]