[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILCOP2b.png[/img] [color=tomato]“There’s [i]always[/i] a third option!”[/color] [color=888888]— Mika Sarraf[/color][/center] Rina was further delayed by her need to transform. Even though it was just a few seconds, it felt like a long time when your friends were running around in a death trap. Once she was transformed she stepped out into the hall. She spotted Helga and lead her towards Mika. [hr] [sub][@Vocab][@Flamelord][/sub] The hair on the back of Mika’s neck stood up. She turned to Leena with a startled look on her face. This was her first time seeing Leena, and aside from the corrupt scum line, there was nothing to really indicate she wasn’t a normal rave goer. But Mika wasn’t quite [i]that[/i] stupid. She was able to piece together what was going on rather quickly. Leena had to be one of the many girls Alicia had brainwashed. Torn from her previous lover through trickery. While Mika had few nice things to say about Alicia, she did have good taste. Bikini tops were great. [color=tomato]“I’m not a monster!”[/color] Mika said with her [s]usual[/s] old cutesy voice. [color=tomato]“These effects are just normal magic!”[/color] Her ears and tail vanished in a puff of smoke. After her failure with Lupa in the streets many months ago, she had learned to not blindly rush into things. Even at a glance she could tell this was a pickle. Alicia was surrounded by five girls, and Mika had at least two behind her. Advancing was a death sentence. Backing down was an option. Alicia would go free, and then she’d be at the mercy of her entranced thrall. At least the other way Mika could maintain her dignity. But there had to be other options. There were [i]always[/i] other options. [color=tomato]“Well…”[/color] Mika folded her arms behind her back, still looking at Leena. [color=tomato]“You don’t want me to go towards her, and mommy said not to go anywhere with strangers. Soooooooo…”[/color] Mika turned her side to Leena and hopped on the wall. She twisted her body as she kicked off, causing her to spin through the air like a corkscrew. Her arms were already extended, allowing the adamantium claws to cut through the concrete wall. Then with her Keijo training, she tucked her torso between her legs and slammed her ass into the center of the wall. The cylinder she made flew into the joining room. She managed to put a barrier up just before passing through the wall’s threshold. It was weak, but it bought her some time. After rolling, Mika was on her feet with her ears and tail activated. Mika knew there were more rooms, but she had been lucky enough to land in another corridor. Now she just had to run along this adjacent hallway and cut off Alicia. But Mika had a plan for that too. With Leena and Fanfan momentarily blocked off, and no one to bar her path, she could test out her new gauntlets. [color=tomato]“Let’s try it at 150%!”[/color] Mika’s head was thrown back as her gauntlets guided her forward. Her jowls flapped in the wind, and the corridors were soaked with water. After a single second of use she deactivated the water jet and looked at her gauntlets. Brittany had been considerate enough to add a way to check the temperature of the gauntlets. The gems located under the skulls glowed red in proportion to how hot the unit was getting. It wasn’t very precise, but a vibrant red glow meant that the gauntlets could explode. Though such little use hardly heated the gauntlets at all. It did take the dull red glow a bit to fade away, however. [color=tomato]“Way cool!”[/color] Mika grinned to herself as she prepared to continue her chase. She wasn’t interested in the far off violin playing.