An went after the Bow Hero in hopes of tiring her out. He chased her tail as much as he could, but at last, he was lost in the crowd of people. There was no sign of the fiery hero, and the shaman soon gave up. He had to admit, that one had some good stealth skills. That he could approve. And she was fast for her size too. Alone, the man turned around and backtracked the way he came from. Soon enough, he saw familiar faces walking down the streets. The winged one who had a confidence problem before, and the other hero with a different weapon as well. It was better together than alone, wasn't it? He approached the group through the crowd(which seemed very enthusiastic about making way for him). When he was close enough, he spread his arms wide and made his presence known to the hero and his follower. The bear skull clattered. "Greetings, fellow adventurers! I seek to join you in your grand quest!" Then he scratched his cheek. "...actually I lost myself chasing the one with the Bow." [@Whoami][@Jensoman]