Despite what Naida had promised, there had still been a hint of trouble during the night. On a couple occasions the princess had sprawled out in her sleep—clearly used to sleeping alone and with more space— causing for her to crowd out the knight as well as dig her knee or elbow into her friend’s back. Naida was a heavy sleeper so Penelope found the easiest solution was to just nudge her friend away from her whenever she was woken up by the discomfort. Over all, it had been a better sleep than the night prior but it came at the cost of still feeling sore when the next morning rolled around. The sound of the clamber of metal stirred her from her light slumber. Penelope had been laying rigidly against the far end of her side of the bed and could already feel a bit stiff both from having held that position for most of the night as well as from the jabs of Naida. She stretched and then swung her legs over the side of the bed as she sat up. Her green eyes squinted as they adjusted to the morning light and she let out a small yawn as she stretched out her back again, hoping to relieve some of the soreness. Behind her, she was aware of the bed shifting as Naida rose from her sleep as well. “Morning Penelope.” Naida greeted then smiled confidently. “Well it looks like I didn’t knock you off the bed this time.” “No but you did dig your elbow into my back on a few occasions.” Penelope responded casting a wry smirk over her shoulder. Turning back around, the knight threw on her boots and began to collect her belongings from the floor Naida’s smile dimmed and she let out a small huff. “In my defense, this bed is tiny so some bumping was bound to happen!” “Honestly I think you’ve improved.” Penelope gave a small laugh as she rose to her feet. As she threw on her armor, Otto’s words about reaching Silverpool reminded the her that she’d be taking her leave from the group that morning. She’d be leaving Crow and returning to her battalion. The though caused a hint of uneasiness and disappointment bubble inside her. She let out a quiet sigh under her breath and stepped over to the viceroy as the rest of the group finished getting ready. Though she was reluctant to part with him, she knew it was inevitable and more so then that, she understood his desire to see his old companions. “I guess I better head out soon as well.” she mumbled, reaching out to rest a hand on his arm. The knight glanced discreetly around the room, noting that the others seemed preoccupied before leaning in closer to him. “Was there anywhere specific I should tell them to meet you?” she asked in a soft whisper.