Two left, and then they had to go. Thrones glanced briefly at their bleeding back-up, the one that could almost have been a casualty if not for Strix's quick reflexes. Certainly made things slightly more difficult now, but it wasn't a big deal. As Feral returned, striking down the armored droid on the frontline, the Sankta Caster gathered up her own Arts to destroy the two that Vlad and Mule had crippled. Shifting the graviton Arts already affecting them, Thrones breathed deeply, feeling the heat in her brain, and increased gravity's effect upon certain, fragile parts. Black beads could be seen over exposed circuitry, before the insides of the droids collapsed upon each other, rendering them inoperable. The two hit the ground hard, sparking electrity; the fight was over. She rubbed her nose, one eye narrowing as Feral reported on her own mission. A transmission drone? So it wasn't a system setting after all...though that just made it a fake enemy. Thrones had never heard of a transmitter capable of disrupting Arts. [b]"Keep it up,"[/b] she said, turning in Feral's direction. [b]"Whatever those things transmits interferes with my Arts. Chariot, pick up the new person."[/b] She looked down the street, then sighed. Just like the Laterano exercises, huh? Combat, then running, then more combat, then more running. [b]"Let's move fast."[/b]