Connor had been kneeling on a rooftop for the better part of an hour waiting for a sign about the very people they were looking for. when he heard Tim come over their radios saying something about needing a status report but Connor was more focused on the couple in the street and watching a group of Joker gang thugs walkout from an alley behind them to notice. Before he could report the woman screamed and Tim in his usual impulsive way leaped into action pausing to flaunt and joke with the thugs. [color=blue] [I] This kid is going to get us killed one of these days. [/i] [/color] he thought to himself as he grappled to the nearby rooftop. Looking down he counted six total thugs each armed with a variety of knives. [color=blue] [I] Great and they're bigger than we had anticipated. [/i] [/color] he noted as the thugs ignored the couple and turned to face Tim. Pulling out his escrima sticks Connor vaulted off the rooftop flipping through the air throwing two Bird-a-rangs as he did incapacitate two of the six thugs before landing behind a third and knocking him unconscious. [color=blue] "You two head for safety" [/color] he barked causing one of the remaining thugs to turn to face him. "Thank you so much!" the male said taking his partner's hand as the pair headed for safety. [color=blue] Red Robin do you really have to toy with them before you take care of them?" [/color] he asked in an exasperated tone looking past the thugs as if they weren't even there.