Even whilst she settled, she thought on his words, it seemed they had both become quite awkward over the matter of a bed. Whilst cuddling up to him she could still feel herself blush especially thinking on his words, [color=f49ac2]“No… I know. I mean, I haven’t either and I didn’t mean to suggest sharing a bed.”[/color] Letting a sigh escape her lips as she felt utterly embarrassed over the matter, as much as she had dated Ethan she was certain she had never been that far with him and her memories only furthered that thought when she had remembered an argument on the matter. [color=f49ac2]“Well… I guess Maisie counts, but nothing in [i]that[/i] capacity.”[/color] Not wanting to dwell on the thought further she glanced up at Cas smiling, [color=f49ac2]“Not that I’d not want too with you of course, I just didn’t realise how it came across as I wasn’t trying to suggest either.”[/color] Chuckling nervously as she felt a bit at ease hoping now the awkward conversation would not come up again after they had addressed it. [color=f49ac2]“Sorry. I didn’t mean for it to become awkward.”[/color] Smiling up at him before she shifted her weight hugging him gently seeking solace in his warmth. Closing her eyes, she felt the exhaustion, she hadn’t noticed it because she had been worried about Cas and too wrapped up in her feelings for him to notice. Now resting beside him she could feel the dull ache of her body and how sore it had become, the dull pounding of her head as she closed her eyes trying to rest finding it easy to fall asleep holding him. It had been a few hours and she had rested a little, there had been a few shuffles and whimpers of discomfort whilst she healed through the nap but overall, she had gotten the rest she had needed. With the warmth of Caspain beside her and the jumper she had borrowed from him it had been the help needed to start breaking her fever. As the hours passed, she had started the healing process and her temperature had dropped slightly as colour began to slowly return to her skin. Stirring Iris began to come back around from her nap, but in her half-asleep state she clung to the warmth of Cas, [color=f49ac2]“Just five more minutes.”[/color] Mumbling to no one in particular as she tried to cling to the sleep she was enjoying. Slowly she began to blink a few times before realisation hit that she was cuddled up to Cas, blushing furiously as she slowly sat herself up, she rubbed the back of her head nervously laughing, [color=f49ac2]“A-Ah… sorry. I eh guess I was tired.”[/color] Smiling slightly as she looked towards him, she had never done something like that before but then she had never slept like that before. Resting how she did she didn’t have any problems, no nightmares, no disturbances or even trouble falling asleep. This had been the first time Iris had felt herself get some proper rest, but it all stemmed back for when she had told him how she felt safe with him. That had to be a part of how well rested she felt right now.