[hider=Taylor P. Rae] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6j9M6eD.png[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ddb5f918-3fc5-440a-9ef5-835b752921b9/d2s0hz9-9413d7dd-c8c1-4553-9d62-f68f4369e33a.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZGRiNWY5MTgtM2ZjNS00NDBhLTllZjUtODM1Yjc1MjkyMWI5XC9kMnMwaHo5LTk0MTNkN2RkLWM4YzEtNDU1My05ZDYyLWY2OGY0MzY5ZTMzYS5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.B3zpScs5W9rXNeDvTF9xTt9-45ho1VfgpNGuRN4JgwQ[/img] [color=orange][h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1][/color] [i]"A bitch is gonna get youuuu... watchout."[/i] [color=orange][h3][ [b]19[/b] | [b]5'4ft[/b] | [b]Caucasian[/b] | [b]She/Her[/b] | [b]120[/b] ][/h3] [h1][i][Bitterness][/i][/h1][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5GG_fr8WyM[/youtube][/center] [color=orange][h3][u][b] APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"Heh... things don't change; people will say anything to get into my pants."[/i] [indent][indent]When Taylor walks into a room, she usually has a constant aura of "don't fuck with me" and probably for good reason. She has a resting bitch face that'd put even the angriest of people off and usually talks low and rarely makes eye contact. Taylor has the aura of a venomous snake, the kind that'd kill you if you fuck with it without a second thought. Though in the blink of an eye that aura can change to a vibrant, wacky one that would draw people in. Which makes it looks like she's an utter tryhard which isn't that far off. In terms of appearance, Taylor tries not to be the prettiest princess. Her hair is a mess and she doesn't bother with feminine hygiene. She usually looks like the kind of person who'd get out of bed without a care in the world. Some people get the impression that Taylor's a bit of a "tomboy" (a phrase that Taylor vehemently denies). It shows in her gruff voice (which is from years of smoking), her rather muscular body that lacks curves, and aggressive attitude. Taylor has been blessed with a relatively fast metabolism and she supplements it by hitting up the gym and working out. The girl doesn't quite work out the right way but her legs are very well toned and defined due to running track and working out a lot in high school. The girl ain't a fitness nut, but she knows the importance of being in great shape. In terms of height, she's just an inch below the female average and in terms of the chest she's 30A and she often eschews a bra because of how flat-chested she is. Though she can at least say that she has a nice ass. What kinda helps swing her back toward female is her hair. She has long and wild shoulder-length hair that's dyed a variety of different shades of blonde. Because of her hair, you'll probably miss her more well-toned aspects and it's nice in firey. The girl is Caucasian and honestly, that's all that's important for Taylor. She's not the kind of person to dig into her ancestry because she quite honestly doesn't give a shit. Though she has some fairly heavy scarring on her body due to being attacked by a monster out in the woods north of Tampa. There are some cuts and slashes all over her body, even some bite marks. Taylor's fairly obsessed with the punk aesthetic, so that is something she adapted well. From her short hair to her makeup (usually she has on eyeshadow), to the piercings all over her body (her cheek, nose, ear, belly button, and nipples, are pierced). To her attire, she dresses to get a point across - other than that she likes punk - she wants to look tough, and look good. She dresses like a stereotypical tough-girl by wearing studded jackets, heavy boots, and more. Sometimes she dresses even lighter in things like t-shirts and jeans, and with her resting bitch face alone she gets across her point. Ironically enough, she doesn't have any tattoos at all.[/indent][/indent] [color=orange][h3][u][b] PSYCHOLOGY [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"Piece of you for a piece of me, sugar."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [color=orange][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor wants to forge an identity for herself and do anything in her power to deal with this inner struggle. She's two people that have been combined into one person and now she wants to be something... new. Taylor wants to help people, no matter the personal cost as she feels that's the key to her happiness. Though, at the moment, Taylor wants to protect the world from the supernatural. [color=orange][b]WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF THE COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] Honestly, Taylor is looking for companionship in this cold, cold, world. It's been a while since she rolled with a group of Extra-Normals and she's longing for that experience again. She wants to be like the old her. [color=orange][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] [/color] Taylor believes that everyone has happiness out there, waiting for them, and most importantly, the decency of human kindness. She believes that it is good for everyone, and unhappy or bad people are the people who need kindness the most. She hates the self-sustaining cycle of rage and hatred that consumes so many people (Even though she's pretty angry herself), so Taylor will do anything to break it. Taylor believes that true happiness comes from helping people. [color=orange][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] [/color] Taylor is an open book with nothing to hide, anything you want to know about her she'll probably answer with a chipper smile. Not even her encounter with the Glutton. As for other people's secrets, she usually shows a bit more respect. [color=orange][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor is openly bisexual and is often finding herself flirting with both genders, regardless of race or any of that. One time Taylor flirted with a nun. It's hard to tell if it's legitimate or not, a lot of the time Taylor likes to joke around. Though she's pretty loose and only really says it's for stress relief. [color=orange][b]FEARS ⫻[/b] [/color] Taylor fears the things that are out there in the dark because she's seen them. They're scary. They're out there. And they're waiting to strike. A part of Taylor is starting to realize that one of them is going to end the world. [color=orange][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b] [/color] Back where she came from, Taylor is known as the town bicycle and they're not willing to let that go. Not that she cares. Here in Tampa, she's known as the nut who got attacked by an animal or something and claims it was a monster. [color=orange][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor is very sullen and withdrawn, and usually goes to any length to feel [i]something[/i]. Usually, it's by drinking excessively, partying, or throwing herself at the nearest person. Like there's [i]something[/i] she's hiding. Taylor is also incredibly spiteful and has a very short fuse. One wrong thing, one wrong push of her buttons will cause her to break out into a fit. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=orange][h3][u][b] BACKSTORY [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"I've seen death, and come back, I've seen horrors and found out they weren't all that scary... Nothing scares me anymore."[/i] [indent][indent]Before there was Taylor Rae, there was Claire O'Sullivan. Claire was once a good girl, many moons ago. She had hope, she believed in something. She was just a native of Farmer Hill, the daughter of a diner owner, and a waitress. Everything was good... up until the diner was closed down due to running out of money. Then the O'Sullivan's idyllic dream went sour, and they moved to a trailer park in Mason Square. The downgrade tore the O'Sullivan family apart, and Claire's parents turned to alcohol to cope. And they weren't the happy kind of drunks. They were the violent kind of drunks that turned their rage on anything they could. Claire was too young to understand alcohol, but she had no choice but to take the beatings with a straight face. Might as well, because it wasn't like Claire had any other options. She would go to school and lie about what happened. Eventually, Claire became the punching bag for all sorts of abuse, since her parents had no one else to vent their rage towards. And there wasn't anything Claire could do to stop them. She'd be homeless or dead if she tried to fight back, but this planted rage in Claire. Rage towards her parents, and rage towards herself due to being so weak. There was some comfort in life; her grandparents. She went to stay with them as much as she could since they only lived a short walk away at their ranch. She stayed there long as she could, as much. Coming up with excuses after excuses... until they got suspicious, and called child services. This was the relief that Claire was looking for, and she spilled everything they did. She was promptly removed from their household, and placed in the care of her grandparents. With her parents instructed to never come anywhere near her, or her grandparents. This was like the dream that Claire was desperately looking for... only that the damage was already done. She thought that it was over, but the mental damage was already done. She couldn't help but think about them constantly, and it hurt her in every way. As she matured and developed, she lashed out and eventually sought solace wherever she possibly could. It started with hanging out with the wrong crowd, trying drugs, to experimenting with the same gender. In the end... it became a habit that shaped her. Into a hedonist that wants to do anything to forget about the past, and erase those thoughts. Though, there were a few people that were able to keep her on the straight and narrow, people that reminded her of what she was deep down. The first person was Zoey Gray, a girl that Claire had known since she was a little girl - before the abuse started. Zoey and Claire were inseparable, and even with the changes, Zoey stuck with Claire. Their friendship was incredibly close (to the point where people wondered if they were seeing each other), but Claire wanted to keep it platonic. Because she felt like Zoey was too good for her - case in point, Zoey was beginning to emulate Claire. The other person, who was more surprising, was Britney Williams, who was one of the town's princesses. Their friendship was formed by Britney's desire to rebel, and they became friends. Briefly, and secretly, they both became much closer than friends, but they drifted apart rather quickly. However, they remained in touch, remembering the fun they had. Claire got through school, and wondered about her future... and decided to follow her long lost wish of becoming a nurse. Her grandparents had already saved up enough money for her to get through school, or at least try to, so she got into Grand Ridge Academy. She has been attending for a few months, trying to get her life back in order, but yet, she's finding it hard not to fall back onto old habits. She still had problems, and she still looked for ways to ease the pain, anything to make it hurt less. Having sex with her classmates made it hard to shake the "town bicycle" reputation she had before. She still improved, however. At parties, she went a little lighter on drinking and wasn't as easy as she once was. With the help of Zoey Gray at her side, she had her little coach, and everything was going great. Then the semester ended and Zoey signed up for a camping trip that Grand Ridge was hosting that was supposed to take place over the summer, and Claire wondered, why not... Claire had been through it all, from the massacre at the camp to Awakening, but at Hillview High, she met her end at the hands of the Glutton. She was tortured by the thing endlessly until the Glutton was defeated and she was freed from the thing. However, there wasn't enough room for [i]everyone[/i] killed by the thing to be resurrected so she ended sacrificing her spot so Zoey can survive. At least, that's what Claire told Zoey. In actuality, Claire had made a deal with the Hound. A deal that she didn't fulfill and when the rest of the Awakened were resurrected she, unfortunately, was not apart of them. However, that wasn't the end of Claire's story... the Hound gave her one last chance as an Apparition given her lingering rage and bitterness was enough to bring her back. Claire's apparition was one about protecting people from those who cannot protect themselves. Eventually, Claire ended up in a town in Florida known as New Port Richey and met a girl named Magnolia Flowers Rose and the two formed a "pact". Whatever the fuck they called it, but Claire willingly allowed herself to be sealed so the girl may use her abstraction. Inspired by that weirdo Ghost Hunter girl Kimberly, Magnolia, and two of her friends decided to become wannabe Ghost Hunters. Though one member of their little wannabe ghost hunter trio was named Taylor Rae and she was almost the splitting image of Claire. She was a wannabe punk girl out to make a name for herself and was the town bicycle. It was strange, almost like destiny that the two came together - she was even an Awakened with pyromancery. That said, they fought various Apparitions and other weirdos around New Port Richey. Claire was happy to lend her power. That was when they came across [i]her[/i]... the woman in the black robe and deer-skull. She had killed somebody and in her rage, she turned her attention to the little trio of ghost hunters. She attacked them and nearly killed Taylor and in a desperate attempt to save her, Claire had Magnolia break the seal and release her. Claire then went into Taylor's body and adjoined with her to save what was left of her soul. She saw the Hound again, staring at her. The Hound turned and left. Almost as if there was nothing to take anymore. The adjoining caused the two to merge mentally and almost form a new being altogether. However, much of Taylor's personality and various other traits were lost in the adjoining, probably because Taylor was dying at the time. However, Claire feels like she's Taylor now... so that's the identity that she took. Taylor realized that her new abstraction was a combination of the two's abilities, Taylor's pyromancery, and Claire's telekinetic strength. However, the ability mutated and allowed her to create barriers made out of a burning fire. The rest of the wannabe ghost-hunters broke up and Taylor ran into an actual Ghost Hunter: Kimberly Walton. She remembered the girl back from Farmer Hill when she was a weirdo and explained everything to her. The girl was awestruck that her old friend was back, but Taylor requested that she keeps this away from everyone else. The new and improved Taylor wanted to help people and protect them from the scary world that was out there. Though she was longing for an adventure like Farmer Hill. Kimberly told her about a Coven of witches that were in Tampa and asked Taylor to keep an eye on them. And Taylor agreed, it might be fun.[/indent][/indent] [color=orange][h3][u][b] SKILLS & TALENTS [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"Piss me off again and next time you get stabbed I'm putting a bandaid on it, sugar."[/i] [indent][indent] [color=orange][b]Medical-Knowledge ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor knows her way around a first-aid kit and she'll patch up a wound in record time. The girl, somehow, knows a lot about the academic side of medicine almost as if she's trying to become a nurse. She knows many wounds and how to treat them. [color=orange][b]Extra-Normal Experience ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor is by no means an expert but she knows a fair bit about the Extra-Normal, mainly the Awakened. [color=orange][b]Sneaky ⫻[/b] [/color] Years of acting out requires years of hiding. There were several times where Taylor had to dip and duck from someone she robbed or someone's house she vandalized. She turned it into an art. Even if she got caught, she can run! [color=orange][b]Tagging ⫻[/b] [/color] A little thing Taylor picked up from one of her friends was her talent with spraypainting. She has become an expert in tagging any surface and creating art from nothing. [color=orange][b]Drummer ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor played a drummer in her school band and is pretty talented. And she likes to rub in people's faces that because she thinks that playing the guitar is overrated. [/indent][/indent] [color=orange][h3][u][b] EXTRA-NORMAL ABILITIES [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"Get behind me and don't look at my ass while you're back there, sugar."[/i] [indent][indent] [color=orange][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Aberrant (Adjoined) [color=orange][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Fire-Barriers, the ability to create flaming barriers out of telekinetic energy and fire blasts of concussive fire. [color=orange][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] The Fire-Barriers is a mixture of Claire's telekinetic-shell abstraction and Taylor's pyromancery. It formed a powerful ability, even though it shifted a bit from the personal usage that Claire used it for and became a barrier. Possibly to reflect her new attitude towards protecting people. At the tips of her fingers, Taylor can create massive barriers that seem to be made out of orange energy that is engulfed in bright raging flames. The barrier is usually a simple shape: either a square or circle, albeit Taylor can manipulate it's size somewhat. The largest she can make the barrier is around thirty feet in diameter and usually, the barrier is flat and transparent but she can do stuff like curve it. The Barriers are immensely durable, strong enough to withstand a barrage of bullets, and still be able to take another one. Take the strikes of an extra-normal being fairly well without even budging and Taylor brags about it being able to survive a strike from the Hound. Once the barrier is created, Taylor can move it and use it as a weapon by slamming it against an opponent at high-speeds or use it to push back a particularly strong foe. The barriers are burning hot and will burn on contact and spread the fire around the environment. As a side effect, Taylor is immune to the heat generated from her barrier. [indent][indent][color=orange][b]Concussive Fire-Blasts ⫻[/b][/color] A technique that Taylor has been able to work out by condensing her barriers into a dense, layered, orb she can use it as a fireball. It's a particularly hard-hitting attack that'd make cracks in concrete and knock somebody directly onto their ass. Along with burning the hell out of them. It's her go-to move for fighting and she can create several of these blasts of various sizes. At the very most she has been able to make it the size of a basketball. [/indent][/indent] [color=orange][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor can sense the auras of those who have been injured from about twenty meters away. The more injured they are, the brighter their aura glows, and that allows her to find them from further away. [color=orange][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Taylor can only create barriers within arms-length, so if somebody is far away then they're shit out of luck. She can move the barrier but it's only towards and away from herself, so she can't say move the barrier up or down unless it's already at that angle. At the very most Taylor can send the barrier up to fifty feet away from herself. The Emotional-Fields stop her from crushing Extra-Normal beings by disrupting moving her barriers. Taylor can create one barrier at a time, but she has worked out she can create many fireblasts. The barrier also doesn't defend against certain attacks (nonsolid attacks like liquor, air, lasers, etc, etc) but can defend against fire and solid attacks well. Also, the barrier requires stamina, and defending against attacks burns that stamina. [color=orange][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] As you may have expected, water cuts through the barrier like a hot knife through butter. Throwing water on the barrier will create a hole in the barrier that she'll have to expend energy to create the barrier. Drenching the whole barrier in water will destroy the whole thing and end up knocking Taylor out. The barrier doesn't stop nonsolid attacks too good either and they damage the barrier a lot more. The shields getting damaged sends a mental backlash to Taylor. It starts as a basic headache, but if the shield gets destroyed, it'll be so bad that she'll be screaming in pain. While Taylor is immune to heat that doesn't say much for her allies, the heat will eventually fry them if she isn't careful. Of course, Taylor is only immune to the heat made by her barriers and outside heat and flames are still dangerous. As is the smoke generated by anything she sets on fire but this is rare. [/indent][/indent] [color=orange][h3][u][b] OTHER [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [i]"I'm not Claire, or even Taylor anymore, I'm... something new yet familiar. Doesn't make sense, I know."[/i] [indent][indent]If Taylor's not smoking, then something's wrong. Also calls everyone "sugar".[/indent][/indent] [/hider] Decided to drop Samson after I got in the mood to write a different character. He'll be an NPC tho.