Kijani sighed very softly, keeping her voice low. "It's fine. He's probably right. This is crazy, but I have to know." And on they went. Kijani was doing her very best not to be hurried, but her heart was thumping faster with every step. She knew this was insane. If they did find her father, how did they get him out of the cell and back to the ship in one piece? Then a thought occurred that nearly stopped her in her tracks. What if they didn't? What if this was all false? What if he had been here, but was already... Would the grief take her again, make her useless? She wouldn't let that happen. "Adam, I have a sort of plan. When we get there, you have to tell the guards that.. um... the emperor has some questions for him. If it is him. If it's not him, then I am going to weep later." There, that was a plan. Not a solid or even mostly coherent one, but it was something. Her mother would be disappointed.