[center][h1][b][u]The House of Perfection[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [center][i]Two years after Antiquity…[/i][/center] [hr] The Temple of Cadien in Ketrefa was not a standard religious institution. Most religious orders dedicated themselves to reading, writing, science, preaching, or counsel, among other things. The House of Perfection did practice those things, but they were not their primary purpose. No. Their primary purpose was to work out. To be chosen to join the House of Perfection was a high honour, and a very exclusive one at that. Nobles and wealthy merchants would offer up their younger sons and daughters in the hopes of them being accepted. If the children were deemed sufficiently healthy and beautiful, and there was space available, they would then be inducted into the order and placed through a rigorous training practice. Every aspect of their body was to be honed and perfected, for the servants of Cadien had to remain in peak health at all times. After centuries of study and experimentation, they believed themselves to have perfected exercise and dieting. Citizens who sought advice on how to improve their own appearance and physique would come to them, and they would give it, but outside the temple not all could afford to spend every moment exercising. In addition to this counsel, the House of Perfection also offered use of their exercise facilities and free massages to those who provided them with donations. In addition to that, the order was also well-versed in a number of sports and martial arts. In fact, they frequently held tournaments amongst themselves, where the rest of the city was free to observe these spectacles of peak performance compete against one another. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the House of Perfection also had a disdain for heavy amounts of clothing, except in the coldest of months. [hr] Vasilis was the Grandmaster of the Order, and the strength-enhancing ring upon his finger was his badge of office. Late at night, in the main hall of the temple, he knelt before the marble altar of his god in prayer, when suddenly, a voice had echoed in his head. [color=violet][i]Vasilis.[/i][/color] His head rose, and his eyes swept across the room, looking for whoever dared interrupt him during his prayer. Then he realized he was alone, and he swallowed hard. He dipped his head back down, scarcely believing it. “...your Grace?” [color=violet][i]Indeed. A great change is coming to Ketrefa, Vasilis. The city will face a threat greater than any that has come before, and you must be ready.[/i][/color] Vasilis paled. “When? What do I need to do?” [color=violet][i]Watch and wait. I give you a gift.[/i][/color] A purple light filled the room, and a one-handed warhammer materialized on the altar. Vasilis stared at it for a moment, then rose to his feet, gripped the hilt, and lifted it. It did not budge. He tried again. Despite his best efforts, it barely shifted. [color=violet][i]You are not worthy,[/i][/color] the voice informed him. [color=violet][i]But there is no shame in that. Few people are. I will send you someone who is, and when the time comes, your order will give him this hammer, along with your unconditional support.[/i][/color] “If I may ask… who will you be sending me, your Grace?” [color=violet][i]A boy from outside the city. He has not been born yet.[/i][/color] The revelation that an outsider from the savage lands was worthy of this gift, but not him, sent a wave of shock and disgust rippling through Vasilis. “But… but why?” [color=violet][i]Why?[/i][/color] Cadien’s voice turned incredulous. [color=violet][i]You ask me [b]why[/b]? Ketrefa is corrupt and rotten. An obstacle to progress. The outsiders are not savages. Their failings are largely due to the fact that your people raid, steal, and kill from them before they can develop. Your walls have made you arrogant, and complacent.[/i][/color] Those words came as a further shock. Ketrefan Supremacy… was a lie? [color=violet][i]I approve of your order, but the rest of your city offends me. Ketrefa must change, or it will burn. This outsider will be your city’s saviour. If you reject him, you will find only damnation.[/i][/color] Ketrefan Supremacy was a lie, and they must one day bend the knee to an outsider. It was a hard thing to accept, but with a god demanding it of him, how could he argue? “I understand, your Grace…” Varsilis said, falling back to a kneeling position. “I will watch over this hammer, and I will present it to your champion when the time comes.” [color=violet][i]Good. In the meantime, your order has my formal blessing.[/i][/color] Then Varsilis felt the presence leave his head, and a strange tingling sensation washed over him. It lasted only for a moment, then it left, but he felt no change. Perhaps its effects would be discovered in time. He looked back up at the hammer resting on the altar. He was unworthy, but there was someone out there who was. It was his job to safeguard this until that someone could arrive. And that in itself was a great honour, if it meant his city could be saved and redeemed. “Thank you, your Grace,” he whispered. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] A Ketrefan religious order called the House of Perfection is introduced. They dedicate themselves to the worship of Cadien, which basically means they spend most of their time exercising and maintaining peak physical condition. We cut to the Grandmaster of the Order, Varsilis (who has the Ring of Strength) praying to Cadien. Cadien contacts him. Tells him a change is coming to Ketrefa, and an outsider shall be their saviour. It is their duty to be ready and aid this outsider as needed. He gives the order a magical hammer which only certain people can wield, then blesses them with a number of other cool things. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] [u]Cadien[/u] [b]Beginning MP:[/b] 3 [b]Beginning DP:[/b] 5 -3MP to claim the Endurance portfolio. -1DP (free via Endurance portfolio) to grant the House of Perfection the title “Untiring I”. The House of Perfection has greatly enhanced stamina, and may endure physical exertion for far longer before they begin to tire. -1DP (free via Endurance portfolio) to grant the House of Perfection the title “Cold-Resistance I”. Members of the House of Perfection are more capable of enduring cold weather. During the cooler months, they may comfortably walk outside bare-chested without shivering. However, in the winter they still need to cover themselves. -1DP to grant the House of Perfection the title “Body-building I.” Members of the House of Perfection may build muscle more quickly, but not without effort. -2DP (free via Strength portfolio) to grant the Hammer of Ketrefa the title “Cadien’s Judgement II”. In the hands of those who are worthy, the hammer strikes with a tremendous amount of force, greater than what a hammer of that size and a wielder of that strength would normally be capable of. To those who are unworthy, the hammer becomes too heavy to even left. -1DP to grant the Hammer of Ketrefa the title “Regal General I.” This blade gives the wielder a more regal appearance. They cut a dashing and imposing figure on the battlefield, and will remain mostly unstained by blood or grime. [b]Ending MP:[/b] 0 [b]Ending DP:[/b] 3 [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]The House of Perfection[/u] [b]Beginning:[/b] 0 +3 for 5000+ characters. [b]Ending:[/b] 3 [/hider]