Voice Pitching starts from base voice at 0, yes. For Fantastic Perception, think of it like western video games, where most people still look hot af, but there's a realistic slant to their anatomy and proportions. Anime is even more exaggerated and whacky. For Combat Actions and Incantations, Manual is where you're in full control, complete with semi-sad flailing of limbs when you have no idea what you're doing, while Stylish is were the system aids and guides you, based off your intent, to pull of things that you're physically capable of, but don't have the creativity/muscle memory/actual technique to do. For example, a dude with an ax, in Manual, could swing with it, but has no proper posture or form. In Stylish, his posture and form would be corrected, to more efficiently perform the action and to just look good. Ofc, Stylish is more predictable than Manual, which may make it less desirable for PvP. For another example, Incantations basically just have word requirements. In Manual, if you wanted, you could just say "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" and have a spell go off, because you're creatively bankrupt and don't know shit. In Stylish though, you could communicate your intent as something like 'hm, I want to say something about the earth bending to my will and erupting...' and the system would do all your ghostwriting/talking for you, creating something like "My Rage is of the Earth's!" Gonna answer another couple of questions here... If your character image has some interesting attire, like a mesh bodysuit, you can still use it; just that starting equipment doesn't really look like that so you'll have to work for it ICly. Feel free to take liberties with your interactions with Minerva. Any questions will be answered in the tone of someone reading from a FAQ. Nudity Personal is the option where your own nudity is censored, but others aren't (unless they're players that also have Nudity Personal or Off). You don't start with any Class; you get those in the game itself yee.