[@BladeSS4] On your next turn, you can reveal your Secret Technique if you like. A secret technique is like the serious boost, except, once you choose which stat it boosts, you can never change that. Also, it matters if your opponent has seen the attack or battled you when you used it. If your opponent has never seen the technique, it will apply a [b]x2.5[/b] boost. If they have seen it, but you haven't used it on them, it will apply a [b]x2[/b] boost. If they have experienced the technique first hand, it will apply a [b]x1.5[/b] boost. You can use your serious boost on the same stat as your secret technique, but it doesn't stack. The boost for both will be applied to the base stat number then added together. So if you put 50 on Speed and you use your serious boost on speed AND you use a Secret Technique that boosts speed by 2.5, your total speed will be 225, NOT 250. [hider=Closer Look at the Math] Yes = (Stat x Serious_Boost) + (Stat x Secret_Technique) No = (Stat x Serious_Boost x Secret_Technique) [/hider] [@BladeSS4], If you choose to create your secret technique and use it now, you'll need to add it to your character sheet. But you might not want to do that yet. Once you use it in this tournament, everyone will have seen it, and it will go down in effectiveness in following rounds. I will be using my secret technique, in order to try and change the tide of the battle, but I doubt it will work. You did a lot of damage, during that exchange. Do you have any questions?