[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mzz8EQr_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img][/center] Well the corpse was buried and the Macedonian had received his file on the witches, and Dr. Florescu even had time to quietly go back into the university to use their computers in a slightly illicit way with the aim of making sure all was what he previously believed it to be. Satisfied after looking through databases of the university, he went back to his car thinking about the day, and the one to follow. Valentin was a man of faith himself, but he did feel that Josef was getting himself engaged with the wrong crowd. The Holy Saviours were batshit insane from what he could tell, and cannon fodder against the witches was their ultimate fate insofar as he could see. The true extermination of their breed would come from professional operators, men in the night extinguishing the unholy lives with not a sound coming from them. Men who didn't rely on the sole power of God as the Holy Saviour freaks, but rather those that relied on his wisdom to make ingenious weapons and munitions to slaughter the supernatural blight upon earth. In the past centuries it was only the bravest and greatest of men who could go forth and fight these beasts. The Knights of yore insured many fell foes were brought down, but they could only take on the small fry. Now the way of the sword was passed on to men who had advanced technologies at their grasp and could bring an end to the tyranny of monsters millennia old. It was one such monster Valentin sought in Ember Grove, and it would be his magnum opus to finally end an animal that had met Kings of Sumeria. Perhaps he could retire then, knowing that he ended a piece of history. Driving home he decided to take a quick sleep before a quick dinner so that he could face the people at the Operation Humanity base more readily. Getting shut eye just long enough to rest without going into true REM sleep Valentin made himself a sad dinner ubiquitous to single guys; eggs with whatever was in the fridge thrown in to catch the four main food groups: crispy bits, fat, starch and sugar. He wasn’t going out on an operation tonight so he didn’t even bother going for his equipment, only really taking his thermal imagers and sidearm. He made sure to change however, as well as changing his license plates before driving out. It was a while before he made it to the OH base, showing his ID to get in and park. He would approach whoever was on duty at the entrance, once more flashing his ID along with the text he received from the mustached leader of the place. [color=39b54a]“I need to speak with Colonel Trotter and some higher-end Hunters [b]very urgently.[/b] I have some information in regards to the little shit he wants to capture and I believe the means to do so.”[/color]