Alright, the timeskip post is up and we're next to the next weekend and the next plot-line. Anyways, the new characters should show up at the dairy queen so they can be met by a member of the Coven (one of you volunteer) and introduced to the group. Also all the NPCs that were introduced in the interlude none of you will read. [hider=Dean K. Farrow][center] [b][32 | Dean Kevin Farrow | Make][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A prominent member of the Forgiven because he's Saul's right-hand man and poster boy. He and his now-wife Savannah used to homeless in the streets of San Franisco until Saul turned his life around. He went from a homeless combat veteran to a preacher who spreads the word of the Forgiven... and even knows their, many, many, secrets. [url=]Dean is a six foot tall man with relatively sharp facial features who has slicked-back black hair and usually wears a suit[/url]. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Savannah A. Farrow][center] [b][30 | Savannah Amy Farrow | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Saul's right-hand woman as a prominent member of the Forgiven and Dean's husband. She used to be a drug addict on the streets of New York before Saul "saved" her and gave her a new life. That life lead her to her husband Dean and the two have been happily married for years now (though some rumor that it was an arranged marriage). [url=]She's five foot tall even and has a relatively slim build with oddly broad shoulders. The woman usually wears suits and other fancy things.[/url] Like Dean, she's seen some times. And like Dean, she knows some things that simply cannot get out. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Reporter Molly Schuler][center] [b][28 | Molly April Schuler | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Molly Schuler, intrepid reporter. Molly was the top-reporter in New York, and was often the first face people see on the news when something happens. Now she's the top reporter for Tampa's channel 8! [url=]She's a woman of Eastern European descents, going off her Olive skin but she claims that she's part Indian. She has sharp facial features and is quite striking, her black hair is tied into a neat bun. Her body is curvy, and she usually wears suits that accentuate her figure.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Her only power is being at the right place at the right time. [/center][/hider] [hider=Annabelle C. Heart][center] [b][??? | Annabelle Candy Heart. | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The mysterious and dangerous figure that has been obsessively chasing Saul from South Carolina all the way to Tampa. Leaving behind a trail of destruction that has made her a target of several different people. It doesn't matter as Annabelle wants to kill Saul at any cost. Most of her features are hidden behind a [url=]black robe with a deerskull mask.[/url] She's immensely tall at seven feet tall and smells [i]horrid[/i]. There's a part of her that wants to stop, but the other part of her knows she can't. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Has demonstrated immense durability, speed, and regeneration but the true nature of her abstraction is unknown. [/center][/hider] [hider=Sophia][center] [b][??? | Sophia | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A figure that always follows Annabelle where ever she goes. She claims that she's trying to help her end this violence but Annabelle hasn't been listening. It's questionable if Sophia is even real and not just Annabelle's conscious telling her to stop or something. Either way, she takes the appearance of a [url=,h_719,q_70,strp/b_d_f_s_a_a___2_by_arctic__revolution_d7g79dt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04MjkiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mMjg0OGQ3ZS00NjEwLTRjZGUtOTJkNy0yZmEzNDk5MTI0MTBcL2Q3Zzc5ZHQtMTVjYzNkYzctY2IyMi00OTNmLWE5Y2YtZjQ4ODlmOGQwZTFlLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.hxLthqLV1LRu0ZzbIQCII1PNEi18lX5QzkEbm-g8vPE]happy girl with a trademark smile, slim, and long brown hair.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider] [hider=Jenna L. Lyons][center] [b][23 | Jenna Lara Lyons | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The young and mousy secretary of Blake Schmidt. She's one of his closet secretaries (other than the fact that they bang) and usually the one he bounces ideas off of. Jenna usually tries to keep his eccentrics under wraps and tries to at least make sure he's doing the right thing. Sometimes she feels like a glorified babysitter... as Blake allows her to do whatever she wants at work long as their "arrangement" is honored. Usually, she's playing Fortnite or Minecraft on the job and makes somebody "lower-ranking" than her do her work (usually Emily G. Reed) [url=]Jenna is a very short and mousy woman at four-ten and has red hair tied neatly into a bun and wears glasses.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Koda Makoto][center] [b][38 | Koda Makoto | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The other "go-to" Secretary for Blake Schmidt who usually plays off of his wackiness. Usually, Makoto not far away from Schmidt and if she is; then she's doing a personal errand for her. It doesn't matter what he asks because of another "arrangement" she gets paid like fifty an hour. What a deal. She always has a trademark smile on her face and is always joking and flirting with people. [url=]Makoto is a tall Japanese American with a fairly slim build and is always smiling.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=The Hound][center] [b][Older than creation itself | The Hound | Uses male pronouns][/b] [b]Description:[/b] [url=]The Hound takes the appearance of a massive, wolf-like, being that is made out of a black smoke.[/url] He has bright, shining, red eyes, and is always accompanied by a black fog. It's hard to say what size he is because he's always constantly changing size. It's unknown what he is, or what he wants, but he seems to visit those in dreams, warning them that he's going to come after them if they don't come willingly. Naming himself an agent of death, he comes after those who he says "cheated death," and promises to set things right. He doesn't seem to exist outside dreams, but there are stories of those going into the woods and seeing a giant black wolf. A wolf that leads them to a dead body... or some interpret it as a portent of death. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] The Hound has many, many different abilities, it's main ability is the black fog of Apathy in which it can shape into any form and use as a form of telekinesis. The Hound has demonstrated regeneration, teleportation, and immense physical strength. [/center][/hider]