[color=f49ac2]“I eh… I’m not even sure what I’m apologising for either.”[/color] Iris couldn’t help but chuckle as she smiled looking over at Cas as he stretched his limbs, she was happily rested and felt replenished from her nap. [color=f49ac2]“I hope you’re not too stiff from my dead weight.”[/color] Chuckling to herself as she glanced up at the sky happy to see the sun was still out, perhaps it meant they could find more sustainable shelter from the night. [color=f49ac2]“I actually feel loads better, thank you for letting me use you as a pillow.”[/color] Grabbing the ends of the hoodie she had borrowed from him she pulled it off of her so now she was just in her usual layer of clothes and hopefully not overheat. There was no need for the two hoodies, not whilst she was feeling quite warm now. Holding out the warm fabric to Cas she passed it back to him so he could use it if he wanted, she hoped he hadn’t been cold whilst she slept comfortable wrapped up. [color=f49ac2]“I hope you wasn’t cold especially with me hogging all the warmth.”[/color] Sighing happily, she looked around for her water bottle grabbing it as she took a sip of the cool liquid. The fact that the drink had not made her stomach churn felt great and she could only assume this meant she was on the right track. Perhaps she wasn’t fully recovered, but she was feeling loads better from this morning and to her that was a good sign. [color=f49ac2]“I actually feel a little peckish thinking on it. Which is great because I really didn’t want to eat earlier so I think I’ll be alright you know.”[/color] Placing the bottle of water down she leaned forward taking his hand in hers smiling, [color=f49ac2]“How are you feeling?”[/color] Even though she had the fever she was still concerned for him, especially with everything that had happened today. The whole idea of him now not wanting to go home did concern her, she knew in her heart he belonged back in the Capital but to suddenly hesitate now after it being something he wanted since being kidnapped. It unsettled her slightly because she knew it was playing on his mind, she wished she could help him through it. The mind could be unforgiving especially when you started to believe that your own family didn’t care about you anymore and she hoped she could support him. [color=f49ac2]“If you’re up for it we can look at moving a bit further? I can try to find us some shelter for the night.”[/color] Squeezing his hand in hers as she smiled just enjoying the fact, she could hold him again, touching his hand like this and how close they could be again. A part of her didn’t think it would be possible, not with him returning to the Capital and everything she had done but to know the fact she could be like this with him again was one of the best feelings she had felt in a long time. [color=f49ac2]“Or we could stay here, cuddle up some more.”[/color] Feeling her cheeks heat up at the suggestion and how forward she was being.