[center][h1][color=red]Alanna Blasaw[/color] & [color=limegreen]Sable[/color][/h1][/center] [Colour=red]"Thank you Talik, we both look forward to working with you. Don't we Sable?"[/colour] The droid remained silent, only awkwardly shuffling his leg as if he was trying to avoid answering the question. [Colour=red]"I said dont we Sable?"[/colour] [colour=limegreen]"Yes Ma'am."[/colour] The droids tone was timid and for once it seemed as though Alanna's message had finally gotten through his dense head. [Colour=red]"Good now come on we need to get your equipment. What about you Ezali? You need to get anything or are you staying here?"[/Colour] [colour=4E79B6]"Nah I'm probably gonna stay here and have a look around, come find me when you get back though."[/colour] [colour=red]"Alright see you in a bit then."[/colour] The three of them parted ways with Alanna and Sable walking back to the Gunship that had dropped them off.[colour=red]"Excuse me pilot, we need to go down to this landing pad."[/colour] She said handing the pilot a note with coordinates scribbled on it. [colour=red]"It's a private pad so there shouldn't be much in the way of traffic or issues with landing there. We've just gotta grab our equipment from my ship and then we should be good to come back. Is that ok?"[/colour] The pilot nodded his head and climbed up into his seat. Savle and Alanna stepped inside and the doors closed quickly behind them. It was on the flight down that Sable finally spoke up. [Colour=limegreen]"Are you… are you angry with me Master?"[/colour] Alanna let out a deep Sigh [colour=red]"No Sable I'm not. I could never be angry with you. Disappointed? Yes, but never angry. You just… you just don't think sometimes. I mean what would have happened if it had been someone else who discovered you listening in on secure channels? I just wish you'd use all that processing power you have to think about the consequences of the stupid shit you do sometimes. But… let's not dwell on that for now, once again you've gotten away with it and as if that wasn't good enough you're going to get to shoot things again. Do a good enough job and maybe this Talik person could become a regular contractor for you."[/colour] The gunship juddered slightly as it came to a stop on the near empty landing pad, the doors opening to show the pair Alanna's ship, The Atlas, an SS-54assault ship. [Colour=red]"Thank you pilot, we shouldn't be long, just have to get a few bits."[/colour] It had always been a conundrum for Alanna's Mandalorian friends, why did she keep her and Sable's weapons locked away on her ship, surely having them in easy reach was a better option, well maybe it seemed that way to them but Alanna was quite the overprotective parent and the biggest rule she had was no weapons in the house. With one hyperactive child and one force sensitive child she didn't want to take a risk of either of them taking one and trying to play with it. Add Sable's presence to that and having any sort of weapon in the house was a recipe for disaster. [Colour=red]"Well?"[/colour] She turned to Sable and gave him a 'We're waiting' look. [Colour=limegreen]"... Oh right."[/colour] Sable clicked his fingers and the ramp to the ship lowered, he didn't need to do it but he always liked to show off, Alanna just rolled her eyes and climbed the ramp. [Colour=red]"Right you grab our equipment I've got a call to make. And don't forget my backpack and tools."[/colour] Sable's eyes seemed to light up at his masters instructions and he quickly disappeared into the armoury room. Now that she was relatively alone Alanna headed up into the cockpit and tapped a number into the holo display. After a few moments of waiting an image of a little girl appeared. "Ki'uk tilsera." A smile appeared on the small girls face. [Colour=red]"Hello sweetie, you still sound like you're talking through your nose but good try."[/colour] "Always a critic aren't you mom. [Colour=red]"Only to you sweetie. But in all seriousness Jiari there's something I need to tell you." [/colour] Alanna shuffled awkwardly in the pilots seat. [Colour=red]"Your dad isn't answering my calls so when you get home from school I need you let him know that I'm not going to be home for a few days… some idiot has gotten themselves stuck in the middle of nowhere again so my retirement has been put on hold for a little bit. Oh and before I let you get back to playing with your friends I need something else from you sweetie. You know that… work friend of your fathers that he keeps having… meetings with?"[/colour] The young girl nodded her head and her expression shifted to a slightly sour one, she knew exactly what her mom was talking about and what was happening between her dad and the… work friend. [Colour=red]"Yeah I know sweetheart I know. But anyway I need you to tell me if she comes over to the house at all or if your father has to leave for a… work meeting with her. Can you do that for me Jiari?"[/colour] "Yeah I can do that mom, though I'm guessing I shouldn't tell dad about the last part?" Alanna gave her daughter a 'really?' Look. [Colour=limegreen]"Master I think I have everything ready."[/colour] [colour=red]"Ok I'll be there in a second Sable. Right I've gotta go sweetie, give your brother my love and please sweetie, don't take anything out on your dad. Leave that to me."[/colour] "Ok mom I love you." [Colour=red]"I love you too Jiari."[/colour] And with that the cockpit went dark again as the blue light of the holo display faded away. The pair of them left the ship and sable closed the ramp with another click of his fingers before the pair boarded the gunship and headed back up to the liberator. [Colour=limegreen]"Is everything ok Master? You've got quite the thousand yard stare on you. I know you're hurting… are you sure you don't want me to castrate him and feed them to him?"[/colour] It took a moment for Sable's words to fully register with Alanna but they were enough to snap her out of the trance. [Colour=red]"Huh what? No, no, no you're not castrating Laars. With what I've got planned… he'll be wishing that, that was his fate.[/colour] The gunship jerked a little again as it came to a stop in the liberators hangar. [Colour=red]"Right Come on Sable."[/colour] She took her backpack from the droid and slung it over her shoulder. [Colour=red]"Lets go and find what trouble Ezali has gotten herself into.[/colour]