"I'm effectively blind, but that's got nothing to do with any of this nonsense." Said Penny as she picked her way up the beach, dragging her sword behind her as she went in the last direction she'd seen that light fly off in. She didn't know what Jude had done exactly but she had figured following that light would lead her right to the enemy, at least until it suddenly shut off and left her with nothing but blurred outlines to navigate by. Those weren't agony to look at, but they also weren't incredibly helpful. In the end, though, it didn't seem to have mattered. Something had gone down after that last big flash of light, the sound of a bodily impact and adult voices causing her to slow her pace considerably. The voice thanking them for their distraction confirmed it, the adults had arrived and taken care of the situation. She was conflicted on that. On the one hand good, great, let someone else handle it. On the other, man Penny had really wanted to at least put one boot to that guy herself. Maybe she had, actually. "Gawain?" she called out. "Did you get him?" "Nay." Came the reply from Gawain, sitting up from where he'd lain prone on the sand after Lou had knocked him over and then knocked him over again when he'd tried to get up like a child kicking around an action figure in frustration. Because of his armor the only real damage Gawain could have token from that was to his pride, but luckily for him didn't have the emotional capacity to reflect on his own ineffectiveness. "That ogre was a most intuitive foe. I must pay my respects!" "I absolutely forbid that." Penny said.