[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191011/0da0e404d59353936a9ff3356140c3e8.png[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/EzcDOaRFkDUsM/source.gif[/img] [i][@Morose][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Trainerblue192][@Zoey Boey][@KazAlkemi][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [u][i][color=AFEEEE]Wichita Kansas, Rosalia's Apartment:[/color][/i][/u] Taylor felt Rosalia grabbing onto her arm and quickly started to run shortly behind Rosalia while looking up at the fire escape, the guy was having a lot of trouble getting out of the window which was pretty funny. "He's actually really dumb if he cant get out of the window." Taylor said, as soon as they turned onto the main street Lucky started to calm down now and moved his head inside the confines of the bag that Rosalia had stuffed the little guy inside. Taylor groaned a little bit forgetting the chair that she managed to smuggle out of the trash can but decided to not go back after it, they were being chased by someone after all. There was a bus stop nearby by the looks of it and Taylor started to dig into her pockets and pulled out some loose change she had on her looking over at Rosalia. "Happen to know of another place to crash?" She asked her while holding out the change for Rosalia, she did have the card that Merlin had given her not to long ago. [u][i][color=AFEEEE]Wichita Kansas Willow's House:[/color][/i][/u] (GM controlling Annabelle for this update to move stuff along for now.) Annabelle looked at Willow for a moment as she spoke and nodded a little bit, she needed to find answers as well for what she had seen earlier when she had her encounter with Merlin. "Alright i'll go with you." Annabelle said as she stood up and grabbed a small handful of bacon and started to eat it while looking over at Willow. "We can take my car then." She decided to offer since they were going together and it would make things easier to just go in one car. Annabelle pulled out her car keys and started to make her way down towards her car, before getting in. She decided to go with what she had on her right now, before starting up her car again while waiting for Willow to get in, as she leaned back a little bit. Once Willow had gotten into the car, Annabelle pulled her car out of the driveway and started to drive down the road. "You have the address right?" Annabelle asked her. [u][i][color=AFEEEE]Wichita Kansas Merlin's Warehouse:[/color][/i][/u] Merlin looked at Megan for a moment when she asked for a rapier or a short sword for a weapon, and gave her a slight nod. "I do." Merlin said as he walked over to a nearby chest, there were a few weapons in there from several kids of swords to a crossbow as well. Before pulling out a sheath which contained the [url=https://www.strongblade.com/prod/prodimages/sba-dreadwindrapier1_l.jpg]rapier[/url]. Merlin made his way over towards Megan and gave her a slight smile. "Hopefully you don't have to use it." Merlin said while Tinker Bell looked at him and shook her head slightly, she was actually more interested in this worlds use of guns, since back in Arcadia they didn't really have them except for flintlock rifles and what not. [u][i][color=AFEEEE]Wichita Kansas Colby & Mathew's Apartment:[/color][/i][/u] As Colby left his apartment he would see Mathew's door open and another tenant was in the room with him she was patiently waiting for a response from Matt she didn't want to mess anything at all really as she started to pull out her phone to call the police about the break in at Mathew's apartment. She accidentally bumped into him before backing up slightly looking over at Colby seeing the cat on his shoulder and smiled a little bit. "Sorry." She said while looking over at Matt's apartment. "Do you know what happened to his apartment?" she asked Colby she didn't even know that the two of them had came into the building at the same time together. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DarkKhaki]Sierra Finley[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/PHZoEawqYBfTq/source.gif[/img] [I]Location: Trail Head. Skills:[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maleficent watched the two of them starting to walk off, she looked at Pandora for a moment and glared a little bit at her daughter she didn't really like being talked to. But she decided against saying anything else as she waved her hand a little bit, and then there was a loud sound like tires exploding. "They would need a ride now, if not we grab them forcefully." Maleficent said calmly to Pandora as she started to make her way down the trail while Rose and Sierra were making their way back, she also used her magic to block the cell signal. Sierra could hear the sound going off and quickly made her way over to the sound, seeing that Rose's bike had fallen onto its side, and the tires looked like they were blown up or something like that. [color=DarkKhaki]"What happened?"[/color] Sierra asked looking over towards Rose for a moment she didn't see anyone else there other than the mother and daughter couple. Sierra couldn't help but be a little bit paranoid she wasn't sure if it was the two of them. [color=DarkKhaki]"Should I make a phone call or something?"[/color] Sierra asked as she pulled out her phone and she couldn't get any kind of cell reception. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Layla Hood[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/320600940/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Layla & Cassiopeia's Apartment Skills:[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Layla made her way back towards her apartment and leaned herself up against the enterance to their apartment and smirked seeing Fuzzy's eyes growing wide at the carrier and letting out a hiss at it. [color=cyan]"I was kidding I got him sis."[/color] Layla said as she took the bag of treats and then the carrier, throwing them into the carrier and shook it slightly. Which started to entice her cat and it slowly started to make its way over before Layla shoved his furry little ass into the crate and closed it shut looking over at her sister. [color=cyan]"That's how you actually do it."[/color] She said as Fuzzy started to meow loudly trying to paw at the crate door to get at the lock but he couldn't. [color=cyan]"Alright lets go, you can drive us there."[/color] Layla said as she made her way towards their car, looking at their apartment one last time before getting into the jeep itself and strapped herself in. Setting her crate in the backseat of the car, she ran a hand through her hair slightly as she waited patiently for her sister to get in now.