[hider=Sin of Lust] [CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/indie-flower-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200508/557d3ab8624d5da3283cb59451900beb.png[/img][/url][/CENTER] [center][color=pink][u]Name:[/u] Adil [u]Age:[/u] 578(looks 12) [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/31/d4/1e/31d41efee0f31a93ff53cf132682482f.jpg[/img] [u]Race:[/u] Fairy [u]Sin:[/u] Lust [u]Backstory/how they got their sin:[/u] Born in the fairy forest like every type of his kind Adil always got along with the other fairies and never felt ill thoughts toward another. Though one could say that changed once he met the fairy kings sister known as Maria. Upon seeing the "princess" he fell in love almost instantly and dreamt they could be together. Luckily to his joy Maria also had eyes for him and they began to date. Adil was infatuated with Maria and their love quickly escalated from holding hands to late night visits. One day Adil said a comment on how the current fairy king was corrupt and it caused Maria to comment on how he would soon stop allowing her to see Adil. Adil distressed by her words quickly asked what they could do to stop it. If Adil hadn't been blinded by love then maybe he would have seen the slight smile play across Maria's lips for the smallest of moments. Telling him a grievous plan Adil infatuated with his love said he would carry it out faithfully. So I'm the dead of night Adil snuck into the fairy kings quarters and killed him as he slept. Upon killing the king Adil was sucked into the spirit tree where he had a "conversation" with it. The spirit tree decided that Adil could be king but he would always be considered false until redeeming himself. Upon this deal Adil gained the powers of the fairy king and his spirit spear renamed Cupido. Living with his love Maria for a few hundred years Adil ruled the fairy forest till one fateful night. Laying in bed with his love she confessed to Adil how everything up until now has been a plot to kill her brother. Maria explained how she used her powers to make Adil become infatuated with her and never actually loved him during that time they were dating. It was all just a plot of hers to take the throne though now she really did feel feelings of love toward Adil. Adil heartbroken by this news quickly got out of bed. Maria pleading with Adil that she really did love him now grabbed his shoulder. Suddenly a shocked Maria found Cupido through her chest. Adil turned toward her tears streaming down his face , he explained how if everything was a lie then it she really loved him she would die for him. A few hours later some fairies walked in to see Adil holding his dead love. The fairies upon seeing the dead naked body of Maria and the blood over Adil easily subdued the heartbroken "fairy king" who did not resist. The fairies panicked made a story that would make sense. Adil consumed by lust for Maria killed the actual fairy king and kept her imprisoned for years. Finally after years of imprisonment Maria said yes to Adil but he found out she didn't love him still so he killed her so she couldn't be with anyone else. Nodding and deciding that the story was the truth the fairies shipped Adil off to Liones not being able to bear his presence. Adil went along with this his heart shattered by his once lover. Upon arriving to Liones the king was told of Adils sin. Asking if this was true Adil nodded and said yes. The king enraged by someone who would play king gave him the moniker of "court jester" and charged him with the sin of lust. [u]Powers:[/u] Race powers: Levitation: Fairies possesses the ability to levitate and are capable of flight. They have demonstrated great skill in using it and are able to move quickly through the air. Levitation of surrounding objects and people has also been demonstrated. Transformation「変身 Henshin」: An ability that allows a user to alter their physical appearance and apparels. It requires a great amount of concentration and reduces a fairy's power when utilizing this ability. It leaves the user somewhat exhausted, however, King and Helbram are able to maintain their transformations for a very long period of time.[4] Heart Reading: Fairies are able to see into the hearts of anyone and discern whether their intentions are pure. A fairy can still read a heart even if one were to erase their own presence. His own power: [b]Heart Corruption:[/b] Adil touches an opponent and causes them to fall in love with him turning the opponent on their teammate for a short time [b]loves death :[/b] If an opponent has a wound Adil can cause it to rot and become infected [b]False King:[/b] Adil can summon a group of undead fairies that are risen for a few moments [u]Side effects of powers:[/u] •Due to him killing the actual Fairy King Adils Sacred Treasure sometimes refuses him. •Adil is easily filled with lustful thoughts when he uses [b]hearts corruption [/b] •Feels the pain the fairies felt at death when using [b]False King[/b] [u]Sacred treasure:[/u] [hider=spirit spear Cupido] The spirit spear he took from the dead fairy king Takes the form of a pink ring when not in use Form One: Cupido-the original form of the spear can levitate and be used telepathically or up close. Form Two: Guardian-Cupido takes the form of a giant Ram that charges and stomps on enemies. Form Five: Loves shield- Cupido takes the form of a large round shield protecting Adil and his teammates. Form Seven: Tree of the banished fairy-Cupido takes the form of a tree with fruits resembling apples in which Adil can choose if the fruit hurts someone or heals. Form Nine:Painful love- Cupido turns into multiple arrows that rain down on the enemy Form Ten: Cupids Gaze- this form may only be used once a day but Cupido turns into a large floating gauntlet that shoots a beam of energy. Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/f9/0a/42f90a107662234b122aaecf15f18dd8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u]Extras:[/u] Wings are a pastel pink color Sin tattoo is pink: [img]https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.124605601.2788/flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg[/img] [/color][/center] [/hider]