"Name's Graves," he said quietly in response to Flick's last comment. More clearly, he added, "'course I don't expect any of you to be comfortable sit'n down to a chat with the departed... I don't mind doin' that part on my lonesome - but I can't do anythin' if I don't know who to be chat'n with beforehand. So, seems t'me that we oughtta be, as Faint there suggested, lookin' t'see who's been found dead most recently." "If one o'you can get in t'see a body, I can make it talk." The Goliath behind him creaked as it shifted its feet. It seemed to Graves that Mr. Garrick was perhaps much more clever than he appeared. He'd somehow managed to single out all these people for their unique talents - He wasn't sure about some of the others in this group yet, but Faint appeared to be very thoughtful, perhaps insightful - Nemorad had some apparent status, Soot perhaps had some advantage on his side due to his size and outwardly charismatic nature... And perhaps his own abilities would also prove advantageous. Time would tell. Regardless, there was quite a mix. It seemed everyone here may have something to offer - provided everyone worked together. He still wasn't convinced on that point. "Unless anyone has any better ideas..."