Iris chuckled as he stated she could use him as a pillow at any time, well she wasn’t complaining about that part because she had thoroughly enjoyed being cuddled up to him napping and she hoped he didn’t mind. It had been a great rest and on top of that she had felt safe in his arms, it was strange to feel that way, but it was also oddly soothing to her. It was also great on the fact she had felt hungry, her appetite was returning which could only mean she was on the mend. Perhaps it had just been a twenty-four-hour thing, she hoped so because being out in the open was not a choice for them. Not with the rebels that were still hunting them down. Frowning slightly as she heard his vague answer she wanted to press on the matter, but decided it was best not too right now anyway and especially whilst they were so in the open. The wound had to still be fresh, his thoughts probably hadn’t helped, and she didn’t want to bring it up unless he felt comfortable. [color=f49ac2][i]Though would he ever feel comfortable talking about it? Maybe I should ask when we have found more suitable shelter[/i][/color]. Biting her lip as she began to pack up the items, they had used back into the backpack that was now holding a lot of items to help them survive. Hopefully she could find them more food and medicine, even though she knew that would be difficult she could still hold out hope to find such items. [color=f49ac2]“H-Hey! You are such a tease!”[/color] Blushing at his teasing as she couldn’t help but smile, she shook her head, [color=f49ac2]“Maybe I won’t want to cuddle you. What will you do then huh?”[/color] Sticking her tongue out at him before she brushed herself down from all the dust and dirt of the day she looked towards the forest before back at the other end which led to the road. Considering their options, she would have to take them the roadway to get to the other district, considering the district they had just left had been destroyed and who knows what else the road would be left clear. [color=f49ac2]“I can handle it; I’m feeling much better this time round.”[/color] Iris smiled as she picked up the makeshift blanket folding it up so she could stuff it away in the backpack just in case they needed it later. The nights could get cold and depending on if they actually got some shelter, he could get a chill so at least they had something. [color=f49ac2]“Come on, I have an idea on somewhere we could stay.”[/color] Hesitating for a moment she went to reach for his hand, something held her back from just taking it and that was the reasonable part of her. The part of her that was telling her to not get too attached because who knew what could happen. Pushing those thoughts into the back of her head she held his hand in hers gently and started to walk to lead them to somewhere which had a bit more security.