[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 533 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]5[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 2/50 [b]Location:[/b] Spiral Mountain Battlefield[/color][/center] Cadet listened to both the women with him, one explaining the golden disc in his possession and the other with a daring plan that he sincerely hoped would work after learning his own plans definitely wouldn't work. It was no skin off his nose though, they didn't call him the Ace Strategist for a reason. He tucked the trophy base away and peeked out from behind the giant tree whenever it wasn't his turn to be awkwardly pummeled by Blazermate as she recharged. Unsurprisingly the battlefield was changing quickly as their motley crew got nearer and nearer to the snipers' tower. [color=salmon]"Your, uh, [i]army[/i] is getting pretty close,"[/color] he announced to Blazermate, watching the rotted humanoids steadily march up the twisted mountain. The marksmen at the top of the tower were smart enough not to waste their energy with the things, instead focusing purely on the heroes. Most of their attention had been diverted to said heroes who had already made it to the mountain's path, but Cadet didn't dare think that the rest of them still in the field were safe from their arrows by any means. Still, he continued scanning the area. It was littered with walls and patches of ice, and a few more interesting things. The monster hunter considered making another trip out from behind cover to gathered more of the trophyfied members of their group, but the tiny red Kameks were doing a fine job of that. He was sure they were all grateful the little guys were willing and able to retrieve the ones that had fallen into the water. Anyone else that had to swim with luggage was just asking to be shot. Once the Courier's trophy was safely behind bark, Cadet touched it's base to free him - but not before grabbing one of the toadies by it's foot and pulling it closer. [color=salmon]"If you guys can, get that - "[/color] Ace Cadet told it, and pointed out the shimmering spirit of the sniper that had floated down from it's perch, [color=salmon]" - and bring it back here too!"[/color] The princess had said they would need strong spirits after all. He released the toadie and when it rejoined it's group to continue their rescue missions, Cadet decided he wanted to help out too. There was still one more small trophy out there. The redhead turned back to Peach, Blazer, and the newly revived Courier with a grin. [color=salmon]"I'm gonna move up! I think I can make it. Blazermate, if your plan works you should try and move everyone else up too - it's a lot easier for them to hit us when we're out here instead of in there!"[/color] His words were common sense, but he said them with confidence. As soon as the Ace Cadet thought he had an opening and the snipers were focused on the closer threats, he made his mad dash. What was left of the frozen walls made for decent cover for part of the way, but eventually the young man had to break into a dead sprint across the open expanse. On his route he expertly scooped up the trophy of Cuphead, catching it by it's base. His goal was, of course, the stone tower.