[@apathy] As Najwa began moving to the side, already intending to draw on the man, she'd hear something that'd confirm her suspicions; a gun being drawn, and compared to all the other times she'd heard the sound, by far this one would perhaps stand out as the most diabolical she'd yet encountered. The brief split-second slip of the Glock being drawn was so quick, smooth, and efficient that it'd be a wonder it had come from a mortal man. He'd deposited his wallet and in one natural, fluid motion would have then drawn with the same hand. Under these circumstances anyone else would surely have interpreted this as nothing if not casual. All except the eerie dead-eyed glance Donny'd give her as he drew, looking straight through her as if she weren't there. Even with her physical speed she'd be hard pressed to beat his draw, and not just due to him drawing first. The situation had escalated from a leaky faucet into a fire hose at full spew as death stepped out from that sticky, dark omnipresent pocket of space he always hid in, and amidst the cold sweat of adrenaline and the delirious pandemonium of mortal danger declared, "Oh hey, just decided to drop in today." But Najwa wasn't flat footed and she'd seen ol' death coming from a mile away. She'd been suspicious and prepped for action from the very moment she'd caught Donny's scent. With her hand already on her gun, she'd have the reaction speed to analyze the more subtle elements to this encounter and the raw speed to return fire without delay. She couldn't see the Glock, Donny's profile and coat hid it, but she'd be able to hear the frame brush the fabric of his coat and shirt as it effortlessly shifted into place. One factor was uncertain; the barrel's precise angle and degrees of elevation were nigh impossible to discover, alongside when exactly he'd shoot. She would be able to intuit that he was minimizing his profile, concealing his draw, and hiding his aim with the flank of the gun against his belly, but just where exactly was he going to aim and when should- [color=9e0b0f]*ZAT*[/color] [color=9e0b0f]---[/color] Donny had never lost a gunfight. He was confident in his skills, could hit fast moving targets as if they were stationary, and although he wasn't the quickest draw in the world, he was a contender. More importantly he knew that speed was but a fraction of what it took to survive in open combat. Deliberation and surprise mattered too. When he killed most of his victims, he had a fairly well established use of force continuum; a bullet to the head from right out of the box, followed shortly thereafter by another to make sure the job was done. The classic double tap with a detective draw. They never knew what hit 'em, but this woman had been looking right at him. She'd been ready to draw the entire time. She might have even known already who he was and why he had come. When your opponent is already primed and ready, there is but one way to ensure they can't shoot you first, or at all. The bullet wouldn't impact Najwa's forehead. It'd be set to strike... Her own firearm of all things, potentially tearing straight through the pistol as she sought to fully draw and destroying the weapon before she'd had the chance to get a single shot off. Donny's aim was impeccable, and if he'd succeeded in disarming her, he'd then whirl around and hunker down with his back against the sedan in case there was return fire from somewhere, already in the process of secretly drawing his revolver as he brought the Glock out into full view to take another masterful (but far more telegraphed) shot, this one set to impact her dead in the forehead unless she could avoid it. Should all this come to pass, Donny may be forgiven for assuming he'd have been able to deal with the woman in just two shots, with the double tap delayed until he could confirm that there were no other hostiles.