[hider=Volksunion von Rodynsha, heavy WIP] Name of Nation: Volksunion von Rodynsha (People’s Union of Rodynsha) Territorial Claims: On Map Species: Population: 126,775,775 Humans (5%) Owcans (2%) Taurs (1%) Kobolde (35%) Ratten (40%) Vögel (20%) Culture and Society: [hider=History] History: The upbringing of the Volksunion von Rodynsha was no peaceful one, nor was it bloodless. The state before the Revolutionary Republic was the Kingdom of Estria. Decades of poor harvests, drought, heavy-taxation, rising food prices, a corrupted bureaucracy, failed wars, extravagant spending by King Evenra IV, and what have you, had left Estria on the near brink of bankruptcy, and a very angry and pissed population of urban poor and peasants. In a suggestion to King Evenra IV by his royal court master, the General Assembly of Estates between the classes should be held to discuss the matter of reform to forestall a peasant and aristocratic revolt. In accordance, all people of the realm quickly got word of the General Assembly and its purpose. The Third Estate, composed of both common urban and rural people, quickly started to mobilize their efforts to compile lists of grievances for the King, support equal representation in the General Assembly, and to remove the other two Estates’s power to veto the Third Estate. The advent of the printing press and an increasingly educated population would lead to new ideas being formed, in the lead-up to the mass-meeting. Within most of the Estates, the want for fiscal and judicial reform, and better representation within the government was wanted, but the high clergy and nobles were very reluctant to give away their powers, and privileges so easily to some low-birth, poor, common people. Once the General Assembly of Estates met up and talked, things became very heated as debate went over the voting process, and how the General Assembly should go about it. The overall assembly was stalled, unable to settle on its procedures. Some members of the Third Estate, now pissed and angry to all hell, decided to gather up a decent mob to burn down a local noble’s garden and house, an event known as the Burning of the Palace of Eprieque. The situation escalated within a few days as revolutionary fever soon gripped the nation. Across the Kingdom of Estria, the Third Estate burned, destroyed, and killed landlords, nobles, and suspicious eitles. Attempting to stop the growing rebellion, King Evenra IV summoned the national army to keep order. Unfortunately, a good portion of the national army was also fed up with the King, and opted to join the ongoing revolution. The Estria Revolutionary Civil War has started. In the greater narrative of things, the civil war only lasted for one year and a half, as reactionary forces were quickly overwhelmed and destroyed. The next war, not fought on the fields of battle, were now within the confines of the newly formed Nationalversammlung (National Assembly). The revolution, once united in their purpose, was divided as the dust settled and the monarchy abolished by force. Three main factions arose within the political sphere, the Jakobiners, the Imperiales, and the Girondistens. All three factions have many of the same values, such as anti-monarchism, abolishment of serfdom and feudalism, equality, liberty, among others. Yet, all three had many different ideals on how to procedure. The Jakobiners, staunchest supporters of the popular revolution and most popular themselves with the masses, sought to violently do away with the old ruling class and seize their wealth and property. The Jakobiners had no issue in the usage of violence to further the Good of the Revolution, and are the supporters of a representative democracy, popular sovereignty, and rule of law. The Imperiales, a slightly more conservative and authoritarian form of the revolution, seeks to centralize authority in order to control the revolution, still claiming to respect the will and tenets of the revolution and people. They fear what an uncontrolled mass can do to the nation. Lastly, the Girondistens want to focus the fever of the revolution towards other nations, believing that counter-revolutionary regimes on the continent must be destroyed in the Good of the Revolution, and to protect the revolution itself. The Girondistens attempted to mount an invasion force towards the Kingdom of Valmange, seeing them as a counter-revolutionary emeny. Both the Jakobiners and Imperiales saw this as a very bad idea, with the nation unlikely to be ready for another massive war. The leading figure of the Imperiales, Hartmut Eichler, saw a good opportunity to try to expand his power base, with the nation in confusion on what was happening with the Girondistens and its plans. Hartmut’s plan to quickly seize power by a coup was found out by a Jakobiner spy, and reported the news to Erwin Lohmüller, a prominent leader in the Jakobiners. Erwin Lohmüller, having got wind of the planned Imperiale coup, did a counter-coup against the Imperiales with the support of the masses. A bloody coup occurred as both Imperiale and Jakobiner militias clashed for a short time before the Imperiales and Hartmut were dethroned for their positions. Erwin declared, within the former capital palace of King of Evenra IV, that reactionary forces were everywhere. This would be the start of Terror of Erwin. The Terror of Erwin would mark the mass massacre and numerous public executions of so-called “enemies of the revolution.” Anyone or thing remotely suspicious of anti-revolutionary behaviour would be hanged, shot, beheaded, or other forms of executions. Not surprising, Erwin would meet his end within a year in public office. Madlene Degen, the replacement for Hartmut’s corpse, secretly met up with members of Girondistens, Jakobiners, Imperiales, and planned a coup against Erwin. In his own bed, Erwin got stabbed in his sleep. In the following days after the death of Erwin, his cabinet were either killed or arrested for treason against the state. Madlene jumped on the power void that formed in the wake of Erwin’s death. Rallying his faction, the Imperiales, and negotiating an alliance with the Girondistens, Madlene seized the organs of the state. The Jakobiners were not happy with this turn of events. Fortunately, Madlene was a powerful political and public speaker. He managed to calm down the masses of Jakobiners, and promised to respect the will of the people and their wishes. Fearing that the nation might be overwhelmed by its more powerful nations to its side, Madlene made a pact with the Ieprium (Kood’s Nation) to ensure that the People’s Union would see another day. Overtime, Madlene would “find good taste” in the Ieprium’s throne. [/hider] [hider=Economy] Economy: The Volksunion von Rodynsha is a powerhouse of an economy, being in the process of mass-industrialization. The advent of the practical steam engine has given rise to organized factories, deep mining methods, early mechanization processes, cheap iron, medicine, market structures, streamers, and what have you. In a generation, transportation went from horse carts to iron railways. Yet, the road of progress goes on with the introduction of the steam turbine, inorganic chemistry, interchangeable parts, etc. The growth of massive-urban centers dot the lands of the People’s Union as farmers turn into factory labourers and clerks to manage the rising finished-constriction of factories that will go on to create even more factories. Heavy industry, large and heavy equipment and facilities that creates heavy equipment, large machine tools, huge buildings and large-scale infrastructure, is the most important and valued part of the Rodynsha’s economy. The need for even more raw materials, from iron ore, coal, cotton, limestone, cement, etc, fuels a complex network of trade agreements and functions across the known world with other nations. There is no doubt that Rodynsha is an industrial giant, ranked high among the other giants of industry. Domestically, there is no money. The government owns everything and manages everything to a point. Quotas are set and people are fed by the amount of quotas done within the day or week. Everyday and life needs are given in accordance to the work quota and past work experience. The organs of the government are governed by a complex and, to the outsider, almost labyrinthine system of bureaucracy. Government clerks, officials, bureaucrats, and functionaries manage what appears to be an endless layer of department, sub-departments, sub-offices, sub-sub-offices, and likewise, to ensure that citizens are allocated their daily rations and needs on a timely order, trains run on time, factories quotas are met, audits due, meetings held, legislative is written and updated, papers oversighted, etc, etc. [/hider] [hider=Army] Army: The Nationale Volksarmee (National People's Army), or NVA, is the official standing army of the People’s Union. The formation of the NVA came out after the revolution with the death of the Old Army, consisting of newly founded citizens after the Declaration of the Rights of Citizens. The NVA stands as a highly disciplined, well-trained, and an extremely motivated and zealous army. The numbers of soldiers of the Nationale Volksarmee are heavily limited due to the small population of suitable adult humans, as humans are the only race within the People’s Union that are capable of withstanding the nature of front-line duty. Ninety-five percent of the races in the Union are unable to serve within the front-line role because of their small frames and even smaller hands, and strength. While small in size, the NVA makes up for it in extreme quality - being the only means of ensuring their worthwhile stay. Thirty-thousand soldiers form the core of the NVA. These soldiers, be it light infantry, line infantry, officers, artillery men, engineers, etc, go through an extremely tough series of bootcamps to weed out those who are not fit for the rigors of warfare. By the end of their training, NVA soldiers should hopefully be prepared to face down the enemies of the people. Most NVA soldiers are not motivated by the likes of material gain, as civilian life offers the best method of living within the Union. Most soldiers see it as their duty to the mother-home to protect the people and home. “Verteidiger der Revolution schützen das Volk!” - Nationale Volksarmee motto. [/hider] [hider=Navy] Navy: The Volksmarine (People’s Navy) is the naval arm of the Volksunion von Rodynsha, serving a vital role in protecting its trade interests and seas for the Ieprium and itself. There are one-hundred thirty ships in the fleet, thirty-five being first-rate battleships, and the rest being various frigates. The Volksmarine is a competent naval force, capable of conducting naval operations on the high seas.[/hider] Traits: WIP Foreign Relations: WIP [/hider]