Finding herself in high spirits she couldn’t help but laugh when he said it would be unfair if she cut him off to prove a point, she knew in heart she couldn’t just do that to him. Not when it felt like she had waited forever to just be close to him again, although her own self doubt was doing wonders at the idea of getting too attached right now because she was now starting to fear what was to come. Fear of the unknown as she took this adventure with Cas and sure he had said he would fight for them, but it was hard to remember how protective his father was. If he did choose to go home not only would she not be welcomed by his father, but no doubt the people because of her status and what she had ultimately done. [color=f49ac2]“Oh, thank you. You didn’t have too.”[/color] Taken from her thoughts as Cas took the backpack from her offering to carry it so she didn’t have too, it was heavy, and it was nice to have a break from having to carry it. She hadn’t noticed too much whilst they were rushing around trying not to get caught but thinking on it now, she was glad he had offered. [color=f49ac2]“If it gets too much tell me alright? You’re not in perfect health either.”[/color] Smiling over at him as she walked through the trees heading towards the road, but not into it directly. In her mind she just needed to know where about the road was so they could walk that way through the forest, she didn’t want them trekking along an open road that was used by a lot of people especially rebels. Holding his hand, she looked over at Cas when he asked where she was taking him this time, she hadn’t really though it through, but she wanted to get them to another district that was safer at least. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t know, I just know that the further we get in the nicer the districts become. So, I’m hoping that they are still intact.”[/color] She had no clue what had happened to the other districts, they could be in the same boat as the others but at least they were moving. As she walked she could hear the snapping of twig branches beneath her feet, the rustle of bushes and leaves that surrounded them and even though it should be a serene calming sound she was still on edge that something was going to go wrong. [color=f49ac2]“Maybe?”[/color] Furrowing her brow as she tried to think on the districts, she could remember the important parts and flashes, but it wasn’t concrete. [color=f49ac2]“It’s strange, like I feel like I know it. I can’t picture it, but it feels right. Is that weird? I thought it could be muscle memory… I guess I just don’t know.”[/color] Pondering her own thoughts as she caught site of the road, it looked intact minus the potholes and little bits of rubble and stone that scattered across the black tarmac. [color=f49ac2]“It’s hard to explain, but I know I’ve walked through the districts before, I’ve been to them, I can’t tell you why or how I know that… it’s just a feeling I get.”[/color] Sighing softly to herself as she stopped just looking at the long road before her, [color=f49ac2]“It’s like when I was at Maisies I had this feeling of déjà vu, I knew some things, but then others I didn’t. I know now she was my best friend, but I didn’t remember that until I saw her name and I wish I could recall our childhood memories together, but even then I don’t remember it all…”[/color] Trailing off she held back part of her sentence not wanting to voice it out loud, it just felt like a part of her was broken and she hated it.