[h2][b]M A R C H 2 0[sup]T H[/sup], 2 0 3 8[/b][/h2] [color=FF726F][b]Some had called it Armageddon, others called it Rapture. Most, however, simply referred to that day as Equinox.[/b][/color] The world was less chaotic than one might have imagined. Sure, there were some uprisings here and there, but society for the most part sat down and did what their governments told them to do. But even without the threat of mass anarchy, ever since that fateful day, the world has never been the same. On that day, humanity entered sleep in the Winter and awoke in the Spring, face-to-face with a new ability that dwelt within them. For a few, the change was dramatic: some awoke to a spire of ice towering above their home and some to a vortex of steel eroding the land before them. For others, the change was less notable: some could suddenly see more colors of light and some could shift words about on a page. Governments of the world sprang to evaluate and adapt to the new risks—today, every person is tracked and classified according to their ability and its power to disrupt the now-fragile nature of society. Three years have passed since the Equinox event. Society is stable and people have adjusted, but the sense of unrest that accompanied the shift hasn't faded. On one hand, the good in the world has been magnified by those with the newfound power to make a difference: those who care about the world and the people in it, who have taken the opportunity with a sense of purpose and hope. On the other hand, the evils of humanity have been emboldened to make the world their own. Terrorism is abundant and crime can't be stopped. In times like these, it feels like anything can happen, and the fate of the world has never been so uncertain. With that being said, is anyone interested in making this world a reality? I'd like to follow the paths of a few friends in their 20's or early 30's trying to find their way in this new society. Everyone gets an ability, but they also get to decide how useful their ability will be. There is definitely now a "hero" role in society, but it's a brand new concept and still being worked through now that law enforcement has more or less become redundant in cases of criminals with high-tier abilities. There will be high highs and low lows—you might find yourself in the midst of people who took this new opportunity to heart and are making a difference in the world, but you may also come across scenes of death, abuse, and destruction. With the world changing as much as it has, there's no telling how society will try to adapt to its new extremes. Posts will be of medium length and we can either coordinate over OOC or Discord—I'm highly active on both. I have some checkpoints in mind, but I'm a big believer in player freedom, so if there's something you would like to do or show off, we can build an arc around that. If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please let me know!