[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] While hopping over the red-haired superhero, Jamie shot a concerned glance to Blake before dashing after the Iguanosaur. She followed the now aflame Felix after the Leftover, only a few steps behind him. Blake had delayed its fleeing, which was good- Felix seemed to be getting closer to it. Concern almost made her run over to check on him, but, in a smart moment, she decided not to. She knew, of course, that he'd be okay- it was [i]Blake[/i], he'd definitely been hurt worse than this on missions- but it still tugged at her heartstrings to see her friends hurt. Which was why this stupid dinosaur had to die! She really only half-listened to Felix's words but got the gist of it. [i]Stay away[/i]. She watched for a moment, fascinated, as the fox-tailed man grappled with the creature nearly two feet taller than him. While powerful, super-strength was a trait that Jamie did not possess. So, seeing someone able to grapple with a dinosaur was impressive. She stood there, stock-still, for a moment, watching. Then, once Felix's words registered in her mind, she started looking around for something she could use for a ranged attack. The Iguanosaur kept trying to run, so maybe something to hold it down? She glanced around the forest, circling the battle. Then, she saw something perfect. [i]A tree.[/i] An oak tree with leaves fresh and green from springtime. But, unfortunately for it, it was about to fall down. At an opportunity to crush it, Jamie flung out her hands. A concussive blast of pure vibrational force flew from her fingertips, forcing the tree to fall. She crossed her toes, hoping that her gamble with the tree would work out like she wanted it to, trapping the Leftover so that they could kill it. Otherwise, this might not go that well. [@Hitman][@Ryteb Pymeroce] [hr] [center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/vY07/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQUU0Q0M1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/QXJpYQ/salikin.png [/img][/center] It took nearly all of Patricia's limited self-control to not smack Martino Bernadino right then and there for that pet name. [i]Sugar plum.[/i] She had to hold back a disgusted shudder, and, instead, smile sultrily up at him. Her lips curled back from her teeth, her eyelashes fluttered. She had looked up flirting techniques on the way here and, thankfully, she was a good actor- just by the way he was staring at her breasts, he was definitely attracted to her. Even if she was about 40 years too young for him. She giggled a third time, pretending to hide a bashful smile. [color=MediumOrchid]"I would [i]adore[/i] that. I've been looking for something to... occupy my attention. Maybe we could even have a little bit of fun after."[/color] She waved as he left to head to the poker game, still smiling. But, as soon as he entered the room and closed the door, her smile dissolved into a disgusted grimace. Bianca Romano disappeared, replaced by a very exposed feeling Patricia. She glanced at Brie, Angelica, and Tom, waiting over by the bar. They looked like they were scouting out the poker game, trying to get in- which wouldn't be necessary anymore. Patricia had a way right into the heart of their organization. Looking over her shoulder again to make sure Martino wasn't watching her (he wasn't), she headed over to the group, glaring a little at Brie. Although Brie was one of her few friends in the organization, she was the one who had suggested this whole seduction thing, and Patricia was not happy about it. And she'd have to keep the act up for god knows how long, too. [color=MediumOrchid]"We need a change of plans,"[/color] Patricia whispered to them once she ensured that no one was listening in. [color=MediumOrchid]"I seduced that Martino guy- I'm still not happy about that, by the way. His end goal is definitely sex and there is no way I am doing that. Anyways, he's gonna bring me to their meeting as his date or whatever after the poker game's done. I could probably get you guys in as a crew for hire or whatever, but we don't need this poker game. I've got a way in, all we have to do is wait."[/color] Her voice was hushed as she leaned in to say all of this, her arms crossed. She kept glancing to the door to the backroom, watching for Martino. [@Danvers][@KaijuBaragon][@Amethyst][@Hitman]