[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Mp9GmbFg/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color][/b] Atrium [b][color=bc8dbf]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] The color drained from Vinnie's face. The ginger didn't even [i]know[/i] if she was a robot zombie or not. The logical conclusion then was that anyone could be one of them - Vinnie could be a green space bug thing and she wouldn't even know it! She tried not to hyperventilate at the very thought. She [i]felt[/i] human - but what did feeling human even feel like? She felt a little cold - or was she slightly hot? No, she was definitely just flustered and her body temperature was normal... Unless this wasn't what a normal body temperature was? If anyone else was one of the robots.... it was [i]definitely[/i] the girl with the green hair. She came in, holding up the bits she had taken from the robot zombie carcass, talking to them like they were her pets. [i]Hydraulic fluid[/i] sounded like something a robot would know about anyways. It was a lot more scientific than what Vinnie would have called it - green goo blood. One of the strangers/victims/potential robot zombies came up and tried to get her to do some breathing exercises. Vinnie [i]definitely[/i] felt patronized by it - and her annoyance of it actually did manage to take her mind off of it some. [color=bc8dbf]"Thank you, but I reject your breathing exercises and the patriarchy you're clearly supporting with them! Women are allowed to have feelings, assuming that I'm being hysterical is systematic oppression! I'm sure that I am an educated person or something, but seriously, this situation is confusing and scary, so I am allowed to express my feelings without ridicule!"[/color] [color=d86615]"Let's go back to the food area, we can find something sharp enough to break the skin there,"[/color] Raynor told everyone. [color=d86615]"Starting with Sophia... And look, clearly the kid is a bit of a weirdo, so I don't think we need to keep rehashing that. She isn't hurting anyone and she isn't going to hurt herself with the stuff. Hell, we could probably use the jaw to cut everyone. The kid also is the one who studied the corpse the most, so she can be the one to feel up the Scaredy Cat with the fake disease."[/color]