Amelia and Katherine can be online buddies~ maybe not the horribly depressing one which I am going to take a face value and assume is a section for straight up depressing stuff. I think Amelia would probably frequent the more popular/easily accessible sites to talk about game series she likes and branch out from there. Disclaimer I have no idea how reddit works but if you can make a friend through it I'm down :lol I think Amelia, Katherine, and Raymond (and Theresa?) are the most "normie" so it might be easier to connect those few, and harder to connect them to others. For example the hardcore MMO players and our resident esportsman, at least for me Amelia didn't really have an interest in those before CaCo (yes I'm gonna call it that). However the MMO players might have run into each other once or twice in other games. If there are two or three "groups" then we'd just need a bridge to connect them. And for someone like Lew, because of his large interest in P***mon, and that franchise being what it is... if he is active in fandom groups for it it's easy to connect him, I could easily see Amelia being delighted by his love of the cutesy monsters in video games (with his "other" desires unknown of course). It's a bit hard to connect everyone but, well, this is my two cents. Form a venn diagram of friend groups.