[@Stabby][@Zeroth] Femus breathed a sigh of relief, but a quiet one. The attacker was dead, a hobgoblin. He stopped and took stock of his condition. Then, confirming that he hadn't been hurt at all, he made his body flash a harsh green like that of a traffic light to indicate to Nira that the area was clear without raising his voice. The noise of the fight should have frightened other threats away for the time being. Now wasn't the time to be slow. Femus examined the hobgoblin, using his own knowledge of anatomy as well as his Monster Analysis skill. Then, he moved to the herb patch and examined the plants in the same manner, first with his own limited ability to assess them and then with his Plant Analysis skill. He also looked around for any dew that might linger on the leaves from the morning. He didn't want to have to drink hobgoblin blood to sort out his thirst. He would drink any dew he found and decide after completing his analysis of the plants. They were so close, so very close to being able to leave this place. With thirst solved and the seeds of the Blue Yill collected it would be time to go. Waiting here would only invite trouble to find them.