[color=f7976a]"It's okay..."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Is it?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"We've done everything we need to do. To stay would be selfish."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"I know Prideti, It's just...I've poured so much of myself into them i- it's hard to pull myself away. Just give me some time, please."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Very well"[/color] Prideti walked off to the gathering where the others stood. This may have been the first time in millenniums since last they've gathered. It was truly a sight worthy of praise, sadly, this sight would never be seen again. Today was the agreed-upon day, there was no other way. If they'd abandoned their duty now, last second, it may have catastrophic repercussions on the world below. Prideti looked over his shoulder, watching Creati stare down at the world that he loved so much. He may have loved the place more than any other, well, not Passionti, nobody could love anything more than Passionti. [color=f7976a]"It's Time."[/color] Prideti bellowed his voice thunder to those around him. [color=f7976a]"You are all aware I am not one to linger."[/color] Creati nodded his head, whispering something to himself. Everyone could feel the power from the words he whispered, most likely Creati was giving power to them one last time before he chose one. This would make his chosen one weaker than the rest, but make them all stronger as a whole. Intelligenti watched Creati and began to speak, [color=8882be]"Now is not the time, Creati. You should save what power you have for your chosen one. The little power you gave everyone just now might be your chosen one's downfall. You-"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Silence!"[/color] Creati roared back. The air grew thick with tension after that. It was wise not to anger one of the ten, but Creati, in particular, was an especially frightful one when angered. Often passive and would act as a mediator, Creati rarely showed anger, this little outburst was enough to quiet the splashing of Earthti's waves. Creati begrudgingly joined the formation. No words, there was nothing else to say, Creati was the last one to join the formation, it was time to began. Prideti let out a sigh of relief, the time has come, the day he has been waiting on for an eternity. One by one they gave up their being, Releasing their power into the world below. They were giving up their divinity in order to preserve the earth indefinitely and their power to their chosen ones. It was a truly righteous thing they were doing. The world below may still worship them, but there would be no one to hear their prayers, only the shadows of those who once were. Prideti was the last one. It was just him and the rain, the world miles upon miles below his feet. [color=f7976a]"I am the last god...Feels good, actually."[/color] He whispered to himself. He was supposed to give up his power now. He was supposed to pick a chosen one. He was supposed to do as the others did, this is what they agreed on. But... [i]Feels so good...[/i] Who could stop him right now? There was no other being like him now that the others left. The world only needed one god anyway. The Victorious one. [color=f7976a]"It will be better this way. Only one god."[/color] He whispered again. [i]Glory[/i]. Their chosen ones will have an inherent hatred towards him, manifest from the gods within them...[i] I am the only one this world needs.[/i] But what will they be able to do? Curse Him? Prideti bellowed loudly, [color=f7976a]"No one can do anything!! AHAHA! There's nothing to be afraid of! I'll just make everything bad go away!!"[/color] Prideti laughed some more to himself...and stepped out of formation.