Alright, made some tough decisions. I can't make the RP a million characters big, as much as I want to. But I really like these characters, and I want to have as much cast diversity as possible. The big thing in any story like this that it lives and dies by the characters. There needs to be variety. Everyone has something different, but now what I had to look for are [i]what tropes are strongest[/i] for a story such as this. So here's the list: [@Inkarnate] with Abbie Prescott [@Lirriia] with Lila Barton [@Kuro] with Asélie Cadieux [@Still Lake] with Danny Norris [@Garden Gnome] with Ruby Han [@Akayaofthemoon] with Jessica Malone [@Severance] with Astrid Evans [@dhawan] [s]aka my daughter[/s] with Walter Dawson [@Eggs] with Gabi Mendez Yes Ink, this means I went back o what I said about "8" being the power number and now 10 being the power number. On the bright side, 10 makes more sense lore-wise, since these events happen 10 years apart, but I don't want to give any more away than I have to. Also [@Moro] [@Fever Dream] Both your characters are still in the world ready to be brought in if a writer is unable to continue. Their character will be written out (in some fashion) and your character will be brought in naturally within the story's progression. So this is not a "you lose, leave" situation. I'd like everyone to have a post out by next Sunday. If we're all on our A-Game and can post more, story beats will move faster as the situation calls for it. [color=red]Chapter 1 will end up with all of the cast members arriving at the Library around the same time. This is meant to be one of those "fate" moments. So make sure that you do end up at the library at some point during this first week of posting. I have important events that need to transpire to get the team together.[/color] First post will launch before 12 PM EST.