[hider=Chevroiére League --- WIP] [color=#318ce7][b][H1]LIGUA SAINTETÉ DE CHEVROIRÉRE[/H1][/b][/color][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362997762146566144/685434604970442800/Chevroirere_flag_edit.png[/img] [color=#318ce7][b][h2]OVERVIEW[/h2][/b][/color][color=#318ce7][b]Official Name:[/b][/color] Ligue Sainteté de Chevroiére [color=#318ce7][b]Alternative Names:[/b][/color] Chevroiére League, Chevroirere, The Holy League [color=#318ce7][b]Capital City:[/b][/color] Lansemour [color=#318ce7][b]Government Type:[/b][/color] Holy League (militant theocratic empire) [color=#318ce7][b]Leader:[/b][/color] Pontifé Grandé (Archpriestess) [color=#318ce7][b]Dominant Species:[/b][/color] Elafer/Elafé (plural: Elavis, also referred as deertaur) [color=#318ce7][b]Population:[/b][/color] ~ 42,000,000 Chevroiére is a country with a long history dating back to the ninth century. They were defenders of faith and rulers of a large empire which had its golden ages during the 16-17th century. Following that they suffered a steady decline until last century when the Empire effectively dissolved and its members entered decades of infighting. Eventually the core territories reunited as the Chevroiére Holy League lead by the archpriestess. This new nation is governed by the Grand Order of Chevroicee and known for their zealous faith. Currently they are caught between the ambitions of multiple empires and must struggle to not only retain their safety but even their cultural identity. [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Territorial Claims[/b][/h2][/color][hider=Claim (light blue in the center)] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/628811074489286657/701620873752215603/MusketRPMapPolitical.png?width=1173&height=586[/img] [/hider] [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Demographics[/b][/h2][/color]The Chevroiére League inherited the empire's most bountiful lands which is more recently bolstered by waves of migrants. Thanks to over a million Elavis fleeing Volstan oppression the deertaurs are again the most common species in Chevroiére with 16 million souls (38% of the entire population). The second most populous are humans with 12 million registered countrymen. The League also has significant number of Woofs, 6 million Yuukoman and 2 million indigenous or originating from other places. The remainder are various other species who were similarly present before the fall of the old empire. There's also a certain species which never makes it to the official statistics, Gnomes. Being subjugated by Elavis over many millennia these tiny men are born to serve deertaurs and very much part of their everyday life. Their number is uncertain but it's estimated around 20 to 30 million, making them unofficially the most common race in Chevroiére. Given that Elavis are the dominant race the deertaurs are first class citizens within the League. As much as 8% of their population are Chevaliers (nobles) with also lot of clergy, townsmen and other representatives of the middle class. Though "poor deertaurs" are far from uncommon a very large proportion of the high class are Elavis. The rest of the races are effectively secondary citizens who have less options to socially advance although barring a few professions they aren't actively prohibited. Slavery is technically illegal within Chevroiére and considered immoral. Yet certain forms of slavery are legally sanctioned. Those who commit crimes or fall into debts may find themselves punished with forced labor for the state. There are also the "Gnome Question" but as things are everyone turns a blind eye. Given their connection to Luchmeyern and their neighboring Yuukoman state there's also a relatively prolific ring of illegal slave trade. Lastly there's the topic of religion. As a theocracy the Chevroiére League's state religion is the Arvandore though they practice an odd type of religious tolerance. Foreign religions are tolerated but only allowed a few temples and are prohibited from converting citizens. These rules can be eased if the said religion is willing to adopt elements of the Arvandore faith. The ultimate objective is to integrate foreign faiths in Chevroiére into the greater religious system of the Arvandore and this is generally successful. [hider=Elavis (deertaurs)][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/84e858b4d1398c7da3260a9ff4b65ca4/tumblr_oetbsl8NT01s6nzr5o3_250.jpg[/img] [b]Official Name:[/b] Elafer (male), Elafé (female), Elavis (group name) [b]Common Name:[/b] Deertaurs [b]Average Height:[/b] 160cm [b]Weight:[/b] 125-200kg (depending on breed) [b]Maximum Lifespan:[/b] 150 years Descendants of the borderline extinct centaur species the Elavis are smaller statured equine sapient creatures most frequently found at the Western portion of Yevrazha. It's easy to think of centaurids as human-horse hybrids yet the outward appearances can be deceiving. Centaurid physiology is only vaguely similar with the chest of the upper torso holding a pair of gigantic hearts. These hearts provide blood for a body 4 times that of its humanoid counterpart which is also explain their overgrown nature. The digestive tract runs from the human mouth down to the very end of the equine body, allowing way more sophistication. The lungs of the creature are in the equine part's abdomen, safe from nearly every form of attack. The brain is of course in the centaurid's head but they also possess a lesser brain in the equine body which allows more control. Thanks to their rich blood circulation the centaurids tire way slower and could maintain peak performance for surprising amount of time. The blood circulation in the arm muscles mean that while deertaurs aren't necessarily stronger than humans their hands seemingly never tire. Elavis are referred as "deertaurs" due to their relatively small stature and more cervidae features. Elavis are short and relatively slender, often walking with grace. Compared to the bulky centaurs the Elavis are fairly agile. They have even-toed hooves making them not-quite equine and their lower body can twist and somewhat turn in the middle thanks to strong muscles and unusual flexibility in the spine. They can swim, climb trees or even mountains. Thanks to their build they can also achieve gallop speeds above 50km/h. They are living cavalry and some more. Yet this also has some troublesome perks. Elavis literally can't reach certain distant portions of their body, requiring external help. This had an effect in their communal nature and also like their predecessors the centaurs they often made smaller races into their servants as a necessity. Having an equine body is also far from the most comfortable in tight places, at average corridors made for Elavis are at least as wide as they are long (~ 150cm). Generally architecture for Elavis has strong preference to large open halls and places to provide sufficient range of movement. Also chairs. Elavis can remain standing for extreme periods and don't find sitting objects as a necessity. Though chairs aren't completely absent those are meant for other races. Due to having small mouths for a large body the Elavis also spend a lot of time eating. The more affluent may even have 9 meals per day. Other deertaurs compensate by effectively snacking during work, often spending hours on chewing. Elavis as a species is rather diverse with multiple distinct breeds not to mention the uncountable variations of hybrids. Ovriers are the worker caste. They have a more stocky build sufficient for labor. Correurs are the "runner type", slender deertaurs with tall legs that excel in agility and traveling distances. Lastly there's the Juxteurs which are effectively the warriors who unite the strength of Ovriers with the speed of Correurs to be practically born for knighthood. They are often the largest breed of deertaurs and they consume a lot even by deertaur standards. Caste rule was powerful in the early times of history but nowadays one's type of breed only has relevance for certain professions. [/hider][hider=Nain (gnomes)][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/39/f0/3839f036962ee11608c63c6e0be0e48b.jpg[/img] [b]Official Name:[/b] Nain [b]Common Name:[/b] Gnomes [b]Average Height:[/b] 120cm [b]Weight:[/b] 25kg [b]Maximum Lifespan:[/b] 150 years Gnomes are a race bound to centaurid service for over a millennia. Their weakness and small stature made them an easy conquest after which the gnomes became the attendants of centaurids, helping them in many ways. Gnomes are distant relatives of dwarves and their hardiness can be perhaps attributed to this. They have oversized heads and limbs which makes them appear a bit child-like. Gnomes are in an odd social situation within Chevroiére. At one hand they are almost objectified, considered an asset to their deertaur masters. This is why no census in Chevroiére ever counted gnomes into the population. On the other hand they are often close to the high class and enjoy decent to great living conditions. Gnomes are nowadays only kept by the middle class of deertaurs or above. Those who lack the finances are instead making use of the Church Gnomes lent by the priesthood of Arvandore. The League Military also conscripts gnomes for war, usually to assist deertaurs. These Militant Gnomes also have the unique opportunity to attain freedom and become something akin to a minor noble thanks to their feats in battle. [/hider] [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Government & Society[/b][/h2][/color]The current Chevroiére is considered a "Holy League", a theocratic federation of states. The clergy of Arvandore is practically involved with everything within the League. They are the teachers, the scientists, the magicians, the government officials, the clerks and through the Paladin Orders they are also deeply connected to the military. Chevroiére has no constitution but they consider the words of their Holy Book a supreme law and many priests dedicate their entire lives to interpret its text. The Holy League of Chevroiére is divided into 7 realms which are further divided into many so-called commandries. These divisions are artificial and not representative of the old states and countries of the Chevroiére Empire. This territorial reform was geared towards military-style efficiency organized by the Paladins which helped to establish the League's current dominance. [color=#318ce7][h2][b]History[/b][/h2][/color] TBA [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Economy[/b][/h2][/color] Chevroiére is a troubled nation with considerable historical and social baggage. The Old Empire used to be the most developed nation in the region but as industrious as they used to be the rigid social norms and vitriolic foreign relations lead to stagnation. As a matter of fact the so-called industrial revolution of steam has yet to occur in the League. Steam engines and other machines are imported but only at a glacial pace and this sets back the League's development compared to its peers. With many of their neighbors hostile it even took herculean effort to open up the free market in Chevroiére. In spite of all this the League does relatively decently. The powerful traditions of Chevroiéren artisans makes them well-renown for their skill. They might be unable to compete with the machines and factories of more advanced nations but when it comes to handiwork the great cities of Chevroiére are still known throughout the entire continent. [hider=Currency] After the League's establishment the Church reissued the empire's Florine in a different form. Switching to bimetal standard and adopting numerical denominations the new coin is issued in both gold and silver, depending on its intended value. Silver florines bore the denomination of 1,2,5 and 10 while golden florines were marked 10,20,50 and 100. For change the League soon resurrected the denier, also bearing numerical denominations but produced off cheaper mithril-iron alloy. Florines are a pretty reliable currency, accepted in most places. [/hider] [hider=Mithril]Also referred as [i]Blancefer[/i] this metal is known for being lightweight yet relatively tough. Mithril is less then half the density of steel and has tougness comparable to wrought iron. Mithril requires very high temperatures to avoid the formation of impurities during casting and may be compounded with certain ingredients mithrilsmiths are reluctant to tell. The objects made of mithril thus are more rare outside of Chevroiére who used to held near-monopoly on the metal during the Old Empire. Pound for pound Mithrils are roughly equivalent to steel but thanks to their superior malleability they are less prone to fracture. On the other hand they are more likely to bend than flex which for example discourages pure mithril swords. In Chevroiére the usage of mithril is comparable to brass in other cultures. [/hider] [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Army[/b][/h2][/color] Chevroiére has long martial traditions which date back to a millennia. The age of knights might be long over but the Chevalier warrior-nobility still prides themselves in their combat skills. The modern Chevroiére military abolished the old feudal military system but established Commandries (Commanderies) each under the jurisdiction of a Paladine Order. These religious militant orders have the responsibility to manage the region's war resources, recruit troops, maintain the law and if necessary protect the land from outside threats. All Orders ultimately answer to the Grand Order of Chevroicee. This centralized might allows Chevroiére to wisely allocate its limited funds and field an effective army. On the other hand the region's deep cultural issues mean military elitism runs deep within the League. Though Elavis are only a portion of Chevroiére's population they make up the overwhelming majority of the military. This means their recruitment pool is relatively thin, an issue they try to alleviate through conscripting both genders. Those of other races are generally forced into auxiliary roles which the Elavis either refuse or incapable of effectively fulfilling. In the era where infantry lines and artillery dominates the League Armed Forces are an oddity. They are effectively a pure cavalry force comprised of deertaur troops. While most nations concentrate on firepower to crush their enemy the Chevroiére are all about maneuver. Their troops are incapable of standing up to the concentrated volleys of an opposing company but their speed can allow them to choose when to fight. They rely heavily on speed and momentum and when they lose that they experience disastrous results. Due to stagnation the Chevroiére utilizes unique but rather outdated firearms which makes them more like horse archers than proper musketeers. Chevroiéren focus on mobility also applies to their artillery with nearly all their ordinance capable of keeping up with cavalry. Chevroiére also relies extensively on fortifications with their small garrisons capable of covering dozens of miles in response to threats. This kind of "mobile defense" combined with the ruggedness of the forts makes advance into Chevroiére lands a protracted slog. [hider=Bruiarchieur/Bruische (Firearm Class)][img]https://mblogthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAxODEyMDhfMjgg/MDAxNTQ0MjY4NTEyODY2.63bAXJzJbLD7zIYvOp6Jx_b-PLRkMwe_CXaKOkBEzbYg.YAxzipIAW4OXOiaMAnhzv9a3MEnD74k7PKVxdfPB9U4g.JPEG.skdnrnl2/%EC%9D%B4%EC%88%9C%EC%8B%A07.jpg?type=w2[/img] Many nations experimented with arrow projectiles before settling down with the roundshot. Chevroiére never abandoned this idea and even adopted them to their mainstay firearms. Bruischieur means "loud archer" or "loudly shooting in an arc" which describes the weapon fairly well. Shortened to "Bruische" the guns fire long rocket-shaped arrows that only partially fit into the barrel. As a result the heavy projectile flies slowly and has a very distinct arc, just like with archers. With velocity between 140-220m/s and much better sectional density the performance of the Bruische degrades less with distance and provided the projectile is undamaged it could be fairly accurate. This gave the Chevroiére Empire considerable advantage in its wars but compared to its heyday in the 14-17th centuries the weapon is considered rather outdated. The Chevroiére League continues using them due to long stagnation and their still very active archery traditions. Barring some refinement these weapons remained the same for over 150 years. Projectiles were refined, guns streamlined, standardization and logistics improved and lastly they developed Faithlocks. Though flintlock and percussion firing mechanisms are also utilized the Chevroiére has one that works through piety and magic, hence called faithlock. An enchanted silver cross with traces of magic crystal is embedded over the firing chamber. Upon pulling the trigger Gestalt magic specific to the Arvandore faith activates, creating sparks to ignite the powder. Since only those faithful to the Arvandore can use these guns the Bruische firearms now have more religous significance than ever. Though the Bruische guns chiefly fire heavy darts they can also launch incendiary heads, explosive warheads or to be loaded with stacks of flechettes (their canister shot equivalent). [hider=Bruische vs Musket --- Pros&Cons] [list] [*] [color=8dc73f]Shorter&lighter gun for the same firepower and require less gunpowder[/color] [*] [color=8dc73f]Arrows fly accurately and can defeat armor better[/color] [*] [color=8dc73f]Projectile is also a ramrod with paper cartridge already attached means much faster reloads.[/color] [*] [color=a0410d]Slow projectiles make them hard to aim at moving targets and require good shooting skills.[/color] [*] [color=a0410d]Projectiles can get stuck in certain obstacles or thick objects (more relevant for handguns)[/color] [*] [color=a0410d]Unlike roundshot, darts aren't good against lines of infantry in cannons.[/color] [*] [color=a0410d]Darts are more expensive, need dedicated logistics and you can carry less of them.[/color] [*] [color=a0410d]Darts have specific gun length/diameter ratio requirements which holds back gun development.[/color] [/list] [/hider] . [/hider][hider=Troops Overview][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/628811208232796161/693824095384764457/1488083781481.png][img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DYBcnjTd4WY/Tr2v1MrQQ_I/AAAAAAAAAc0/K6E-kRwvzsI/s280/CentaurUniforms.jpg[/img][/url] Chevroiére military proper almost exclusively only accepts Elavis (deertaur) conscripts/recruits with other races usually only taking part as support or auxiliary forces. This does mean that most of the military are effectively cavalry and they fight fully utilizing their mobility. [hider=Notable Infantry Equipment] [b]- [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/English_flintlock_blunderbuss.jpeg]Fusil Modéle 1788/18[/url]:[/b] Standard military handgun issued to the majority of troops. It's a fairly short gun with 1-cubit (~ 21cm) barrel which has the bore diameter of 10-ligne (~ 21mm) and usually fires a long and 10-talent (~126 grams) heavy dart with about 160m/s. In 1818 a new variant with simplified faithlock firing mechanism and relatively [url=https://i.stack.imgur.com/hWuSL.png]sophisticated volley sights[/url] were introduced and this is the current mainstay arm of the soldiers. Ammo is kept in quivers. Aside from standard darts the gun can also shoot a stack of 9 flechettes which has a shotgun-like effect. Unlike muskets these guns were never intended to mount bayonets. [b]- Tromblet Modéle 1821:[/b] Small pistol with a wide, stumpy and flared out muzzle. Unlike other weapons this is meant exclusively to fire flechettes of varying arrangement. These are meant chiefly for the League Navy who often fought in close quarters and required a weapon to clear corridors. It has a 1-pouce (29mm) bore and is usually filled with 17 flechettes but there's also a canister load which fits 42 lead balls. Tromblet is meant for "pistol-scale" blunderbuss type weapons while Tromblon is reserved for two handed types. [b]- Lance-fusil:[/b] A class of weapons found with auxiliaries. While deertaurs can comfortably carry a gun and a polearm the more humanoid auxiliary troops don't have this luxury. At the same time putting bayonets on a very short gun is nonsense, same with using pikemen to protect the gunners like this is the 17th century. Lance-fusil means "gun-spear" and as its name implies it has a gun that can accept a short spear attachment. Attached under the barrel this spear is fixed by clasps and runs into a deep notch drilled into the stock for solid mounting. Given the nature of auxilia and how these modifications are made there's no standard for Lance-fusils, they are made as needed with whatever firearms they might have at hand. Compared to bayoneted muskets the Lance-fusil has an odd distribution but in theory it is the more nimble weapon in melee. [b]- [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/86b4d0f1a2bda51ee940e68e18786055/tumblr_inline_nuzda3b8Yt1r8c6s8_640.jpg]Brogone Modéle 1844[/url]:[/b] Brogone is a type of polearm most popular in Chevroiére. It's effectively a two handed club with a spike or a spearhead, allowing it to fulfill both functions. Though nowhere as sophisticated as halberds or pollaxes the Brogone is cheap and still rather versatile. Modéle 1844 is the newest variant which replaced the triangular blade with a more leaf-shaped spearhead to allow cuts. In a sense Brogone is the Chevroiére bayonet, used by all troops in melee rather than affixing blades to their stumpy guns. [b]- Dolman Dur:[/b] Chevroiére has long history with dolman style outfits, usually worn by hussars. Dolman Dur ("hard dolman") is actually a bit more than just a statement of fashion. The insides of the outfit hide a brigandine-style layout of armor meant to protect against pistols, bayonets and saber swings. Each armor segment has a face-hardened 1-2mm thick steel plate backed with 8mm layer of ironwood laminate of the best toughness. The wooden backing absorbs the energy and stops shrapnel. The entire outfit/armor weighs about 30 livres (~ 11.3kg) which also includes the steel epaulets that act like pauldrons. While heavy the Hussards of Chevroiére are grateful for the armor's protective qualities and unprepared forces often find it a nasty surprise. [b]- Plate Armor:[/b] Chevroiére has over a millennia experience at producing armors and even in the 19th century this practice has yet to cease. Chainmail and brigandine are often sold for commercial use but for the elites of the military they need plate armors. While many nations also produce breastplates and cuirasses, the Chevroiéren process is a bit different. In a sense Chevroiéren plates are composites. The outer layer is hardened steel of mirror polish. This is then backed by laminated ironwood and leather for comfort. More renown armorers go a step further. They introduce a thin gap between two wooden laminates which they fill up with molten mithril. This provides far more rigidity, although with an extra weight. How they accomplish to insert the searing 3000 degree Mithril globs into the wood without burning it is anyone's guess. Chevroiéren armors are renown for their toughness and those made by master armorers are definitely musketproof. . [/hider] [b]- Voltigeur:[/b] The standard Chevroiére troop. Since the soldiers are deertaurs the Voltigeur are technically cavalry and as such they fight like that. They have Bruische guns, Brogone spear-cubs and have pack filled with various equipment. Voltigeur can traverse multiple dozen miles within a single day which gives them surprising tactical mobility. Voltigers Marins is a term used for their naval variant which is aboard ships. Compared to their surface counterpart the Marines are less about march and maneuver and more geared towards close combat like boarding actions. [b]- Pionnier:[/b] Chevroiére has relatively high standards for their soldiers yet requires considerable manpower. Those who wash out the initial selection are often become Pionniers (pioneers) who handle engineering&logistics tasks. They carry supplies, make/maintain bridges, dig trenches or perform other duties. It's said that for every Voltigeur there are three Pionniers. Pionners have a shorter shako and often wear a long overcoat. Unlike the rest of the army the Pionniers often work together with auxiliaries. [b]- Chasseur:[/b] More promising soldiers are often organized into Chasseur companies. They receive more training, better equipment and higher pay. These light cavalry are meant for rapid response, scouting and longer distance patrols. In essence they are akin to Hussards (see later) but less elite and meant to operate within a regiment. Their uniform is distinguished by the use of denser frogging and wearing the more angular czapka instead of traditional shakos. Chasseurs are also issued pistols and sabers while in common units only the officers have them. Some regions even have the custom of providing the Chasseurs with lances while others give them axes for some reason. [b]- Dragoon:[/b] Usually recruiting the stockiest of the deertaurs the Dragoon company are weapons specialists meant to lay down supporting fire or protect artillery. Their uniform and equipment varies depending on their role. The "light" variant have standard uniform, epaulets and their shako/busby with a mithril cross emblem. The "heavy" variant wear breastplates and helmets, the latter oddly lacks any sorts of cross motiff, consistency be damned. Dragoons often have gnome assistants and they can carry up to 3 Bruische guns for better rate of fire. Others are carrying special weapons like handheld volley guns, hand mortars or rocket stands. Generally the Dragoon companies are responsible for fire support. [b]- Hussard:[/b] Chosen from the tallest and most physically fit recruits the Hussards are a relatively elite unit meant for raids, skirmishes and other dangerous acts. As such they have their own regiments rather than and their leadership is frequently given autonomy. Hussards advance deep into enemy territory to cut off reinforcements, raid villages and destroy the enemy's logistics. They wear Dolman Dur, a type of medium armor akin to brigandine which protect against pistols and less severe weapons. Unlike common soldiers the Hussard also has gnomish servants accompany them into battle. These servants both tend for them while camping in the wilderness and also help during combat by reloading spare guns or defend against attackers from the sides. In a sense the Chevroiéren Hussard is a "medium cavalry" but they act and fight more as a light cavalry. [b]- Cuiracer:[/b] Heavy cavalry representing the shock troops of Chevroiére. They are traditionally Chevaliers, a class of warrior nobles, but for a long time now they also admit commoners who have the necessary skills. They wear heavy cuirass, open helm with feather top-piece and various plate reinforcements to guard against blows. Unlike the rest of the cavalry which are in constant movement the Cuiracers held in reserve to save their stamina. When the moment is right these well-protected elites assault enemy formations to scatter them. Cuiracers usually don't chase down armies unless they are already in the heat of battle. Unlike others the Cuiracer wields halberds and rarely carry full length guns. Instead they have entire braces of pistols loaded with flechettes meant to cause mayhem in the heat of engagement. Said pistols are constantly reloaded thanks to the help of gnomish servants that ride along with them. Some Cuiracers dropped halberds in preference to a type of awl-pike with more pronounced cup which has cutting edges, preferring its lance-like reach and nimbleness over the shear chopping power of halberds. [b]- Aumonier:[/b] As a theocracy the clerics of Arvandore are heavily involved with the military. Every company has 3 chaplains but on regimental level they also have something more. Aumonier is a type of cleric gifted in the art of Gestalt magic. Their duty is to dispense the miracles of God for the benefit of the people. While assigned on regimental level their numbers is sufficient to be dispatched to each company and still retain a strong cadre of magicians at HQ. Every regiment also has at least 5 Augures who are responsible for magic scouting and delivery of priority messages. They command eagle familiars and are capable sharing their senses with them. Aumonier in military service wear the same uniforms as soldiers and are required to have some training. Aside from the cross necklaces and occasional religious decorations they also carry [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/26/61/83/266183c9612474fbbef24d47b9ccab47.jpg]round maces[/url] made of mithril-silver alloy with a magic core. While it can be used as a weapon these are the most significant as magical focus for casting miracles. [b]- Paladin:[/b] Spiritual successors of the Old Empire's knights a paladin is the cream of Chevroiére's military. Though relatively small in number they form the top brass of military as well as provide the best warriors the nation could offer. A good portion of paladins were trained since childhood to become religious champions and to further Chevroiére's glory. They wear heavy armor covering significant portion of their body and known to be capable of spellcasting. This is a curious phenomenon among the paladins because only a few decades ago less than 10% of the Paladins had any means of casting magic. Since not all people are born with the power of spells this seems impossible yet somehow every paladin is capable of showing the miracles of God. Since they wear armor harness and high quality clothes decorated in religious imagery the paladins easily stand out. Paladins are some of the most famous people in Chevroiére and their tales often find listeners worldwide. Due to their small number they rarely form companies and are rather often attached to a retinue of other troops. [/hider][hider=Artillery Overview]Chevroiére's artillery is decent although not very powerful. They chiefly use Bruische type firearms which also fits their style focusing on mobility. Basically every field artillery in Chevroiére are also horse artillery which are meant for rapid deployment. This means the army generally focuses on light and easily drawn guns rather than heavy pieces. Chevroiére also doesn't have the same expertise with cannon as many contemporary nations which makes it almost a miracle they managed to achieve standardization (called the Toussaint System). Dart projectiles can somewhat make up for the weakness of cannons but it also has a price, literally. Dart projectiles are more expensive than roundshot and require more carts to haul the same amount of projectiles. This means overall the Chevroiére need to be more conservative with their artillery. Since measuring artillery in weight of shot does not work with dart projectiles the Tousaint System classifies them via bore diameter measured in pouces ( 1pouce ~ 29mm). Aside from cannons the artillery also uses volley guns and rocketry. [b]- Canon de 3-pouce Tousaint:[/b] Typical light artillery with the bore of 90mm with the usual dart munition weighing 25 livres (~ 9.5g). Even with the carriage and caisson the entire weapon is under half ton in weight thus can be portable by as little as a pair of deertaurs. The weapon need the crew of 4 and rather than darts it more commonly fires flechette and case shots. Dart munitions are chiefly reserved for suppressing enemy artillery or targeting weakspots in fortifications as the 3-pouce projectile otherwise lacks power. [b]- Canon de 4-pouce Tousaint:[/b] Heavy gun in 120mm caliber with the usual dart munition weighing 64 livres (~ 24 kg) which makes it actually useful for sieges, not to mention the 4-pouce being the standard naval gun in the League. On the other hand the gun alone weighs 600kg and the entire weapon could approach a ton. This and other requirements increase the minimum crew to 8. As the heavy component of Chevroiére's field artillery setup the 4-pouce are rather common sight. [b]Canon de 5-pouce Tousaint:[/b] Siege gun of 150mm bore meant to fire 125 livre (~47kg) darts to demolish walls. Compared to the other two these cannons are particularly rare due to them weighing entire 2 tons, leading to them never really catching up to the main army unless bogged down in a siege. The weapon sees more frequent use in fortifications where its could use a quintet of "superheavy" flechettes meant for long distance counter battery fire. [b]- Cannon á 60-dards Belmonte:[/b] Volley gun artillery with 60 small barrels mounted in a 6x10 arrangement and kept together via a wooden frame. Each gun has a faithlock for seamless chain firing. Originally each barrel was filled with 4 flechettes to unleash complete mayhem at point blank range but this practice is currently too risky. Instead the barrels are loaded with conventional darts in the 80-gram range and fired at a trajectory for saturation. They can fire at the rate of 120 shots per minute, emptying the barrels within half minute. Even with paper cartridges and no need for resetting the primers it takes 2 minutes to reload the volley gun for the next attack. As such it's common for this artillery to operate in groups of four to maintain a constant curtain of fire. Given crew fatigue this barrage can be only maintained for about 5-8 minutes and in practice rarely done. Volley guns as such have questionable effectiveness but given their smallness they can be a good defensive weapon for almost any place. [b]Affut Fusées:[/b]A mobile version of the more stationary rocket arms of Chevroiére. It's effectively just a ramp where a row of up to 6-8rockets can be placed upon (depending on size). The rockets themselves are usually transported in three pieces (frame, warhead and wooden rod) but during combat a different type of transport can also carry them in one piece. While their use of iron frame was revolutionary in the 17th century compared to the modern rocketry the Fusée utilized by Chevroiére are relatively antiquated. Rockets are utilized for their easy portability and ease of rapid fire. Entire volleys of rockets can be released within a minute after which the crew can retreat. Rockets are little use against fortifications but they can explode with shrapnel or set ablaze anything flammable. [/hider] [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Navy[/b][/h2][/color] The Chevroiére Grand Fleet once ruled the Midseas and were considered a naval powerhouse. Their unique ships were a constant marvel and for a century nobody could best them in combat. Yet this dominance soon broke in a spectacular way and lack of innovation lead to a series of embarrassing defeats. In the last 150 years Chevroiére suffered naval catastrophe thrice and lost most of their dockyards to foreign powers. Compared to their glorious days the Chevroire's League Navy is a sad shadow of its former self. Its primary purpose is patrol and to fend off pirates, asking for more is effectively impossible. The League Navy has 42 galleys, nimble ships with 6-12 front-mounted Bruische cannons as their main armament. They excel in coastal warfare and boarding actions. In spite of this the galleys are not eager to engage the enemy and rather prefer hit&run volleys. The reason is simple, the League Navy is pathetically weak with little naval experience. They don't have anything to stop a determined navy hence they opt for safety. This earned them a cowardly reputation among certain navies, something which irks the League immensely. Recently Chevroiére also acquired a trio of Astalian steam gunboats for riverine operations. Being the first steamboats in Chevroiére military these ships have considerable prestige and are used to learn more about modern naval technology. Obviously, with such weak navy the League could not survive alone. Thankfully their alliance with Eisengard also extends to joint naval patrols and defensive pact in case of either side suffering naval aggression. Thanks to this the Midseas have a relatively healthy balance of power. For now. [hider=Guerravire] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/87/ab/c6/87abc6c2599e10ba45b7fb1d06f9f216.jpg[/img] Chevroiéren type of the war galley, these small and sleek ships are the primary force of the League Navy. They are built in the League's military docks of Beauxonne and unlike before these vessels follow strictly standardized parameters. This is supposed to streamline shipbuilding yet in effect it only really helped training crews. The tight parameters also led to very nimble ships, especially with strong Elavis rowers. With sprint speed upwards 15 knots the Guerravire could catch up to any other vessel or often escape pursuers. The League's detractors often sneer at the Guerravire's speed, only consider it fit for a "fleet of cowards". Weaponry-wise the ships can be equipped with rams but in practice most vessels opt to remove them for better speed. Instead their main armament is located on the rambade, the so-called "cannon dais". These are a rotating platforms capable of turning 160-270 degrees and mounts a stack of multiple Bruische cannons. Cannon Dais are turned via an axle mechanism from underneath and allows timely positioning of guns during engagements. This dais is often protected to withstand musket and light cannon fire, more or less the only portion of the vessel receiving such reinforcement. Aside from its cannons the ship also has a topmost combat deck used chiefly for boarding combat. It has sufficient room for marines and rows of swivel guns to decimate the enemy crew. Boarding itself is assisted by various ramps, hooks and other devices. During coastal bombardment the combat deck can be loaded with rockets and other field artillery, although this is a rather rare practice. [u]Guerravire Legere[/u] The most common type of Chevroiére war galley. They are 36m long at the waterline with the beam of 4.25m and the displacement of 80 tonnes. It has 20 oars per side with 120 rowers total. Along with the crew it has the the capacity for 300 people and a week of provisions. Its front-mounted Cannon Dais has 6 Bruische cannons together. [u]Guerravire Lourde[/u] Heavier type of war galley built for size while retaining largely the same agility. They are 45m long with the beam of only 5m. It has 25 oars per side with 200 rowers total and could carry upwards 720 people (including the crew) with provisions. Rather than a single Cannon Dais the heavy variant has two, one mounted in super-firing position. For balance the front Dais is smaller with only 5 cannons while the top Dais supports 7 cannons for the total count of twelve. Compared to the "pirate chaser" light variant the Guerravire lourde are the mainstay war galleys meant to fight other ships or transport an entire company of troops. [u]Guerravire Regal[/u] A massive war galley which should be perhaps called a galleas. With the total length of 72 meters and beam of 8m the ship has an imposing scale. Its rambade supports a pair of Cannon Dais with 20 guns in a 8-12 arrangement (front-back). In addition the ship has smaller deck mounted Cannon Dais for 6x5 guns. This adds up to 50 guns total. While impressive the ship is overall fragile. Furthermore it struggles to keep up with other galleys in spite of having 500 rowers. Ultimately the "Guerravire regal" was a vanity affair with the NSN Godefroy as its only ship. It acts as command vessel for the League Navy and there are also proposals to utilize its array of guns for coastal bombardment. [/hider][hider=Bruischière] [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7nkX-bmQjnw/TibsrL1FmrI/AAAAAAAAALg/QemiDOI7YP0/s1600/VM98022.jpg[/img] A type of gunboat recently adopted by Chevroiére. As the first steamboats used by the League's military they are subject of much curiosity. These ships are 25-26m long and displace 180-200 tonnes while capable of achieving 11 knots. Though far from the most impressive ships their technology makes them very worthwhile. The original loadout of cannons were replaced by Cannon Dais in 2x5 arrangement, allowing them to bombard shores from distance. Compared to the average Guerravire this ship is actually rather capable yet on insistence of Astalia the League Navy is forbidden from deploying these gunboats at the open seas. [/hider] [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Traits[/b][/h2][/color] [b]- Traditional Mastery:[/b] The Chevroiére Empire used to be one of the most industrious and innovative regions back in its prime. While Chevroiére fell into stagnation the traditions of their artisans remained. Old mechanical contraptions that may amaze even modern engineers with its complexity, metallurgical knowledge never distributed to the rest of the world, art techniques that only set root in Chevroiére. Artisanship might be devalued in the new age of industrial revolution yet their achievements worth the praise. [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Foreign Relations[/b][/h2][/color] - [b]Yuukoma:[/b] Bitter rivals with long history. The rise of Yuukomans was one of the reasons why the Old Empire fell, including most of Chevroiére's port towns. In return the League participated in the coalition against the Great Yuukoman Empire. As a result Chevroiére and Yuukoma both has territorial claims on the other which is a source of constant feud. Ideologically the Yuukomans are considered blasphemous for their faith and their hedonism is taken as proof of their moral inferiority. - [b]Volstan:[/b] The big bad wolf of the North, Volstan is a looming threat which may gobble up the League any time. A conquest by Volyudki is widely considered an existential threat and they are the one enemy which can force Chevroiére to forget all hostilities with other nation in order to create an united front. - [b]Tanwir:[/b] A former ally against the Great Yuukoman Empire the two nations quickly broke up all relations after the war's conclusion. Ideologically distanced the Tanwir consist another threat neighboring the League's borders. [color=#318ce7][h2][b]Rolls[/b][/h2][/color][b]Land Area:[/b] 11 [b]Land Fertility:[/b] 19 (-2, switched with navy) [b]Social Development:[/b] 19 (+7) [b]Technological Development:[/b] 4 [b]Land Power: [/b]14 (+4) [b]Naval Power:[/b] 4 (-3, switched with fertility) [b]Economy:[/b] 12 (-3) [b]Magical Reserves:[/b] 12 (-3) [b]Magical Sophistication: [/b]16 . [hider=Capabilities:] [b]Societal Development:[/b] Chevroiére is one of the oldest still active cultures on the continent. They have dense road network, numerous towns and some great cities. Centuries of laborious river control eradicated most swamps and country-wide irrigation systems keep the agriculture flourishing. Mills, hydro-powered machinery and other old contraptions keep things efficient. Chevroiére is a beautiful country, even if dated. [b]Technological Development:[/b] There's little sugarcoating it, Chevroiére is somewhat stuck in the past. Though considered pioneers during the 17th century the dogmatic nature of the Church and overall lack of serious innovation means as if the country exists in the previous century. Steam engines are more of a curiosity than something seriously utilized, for example. [b]Economy: [/b] Chevroiéren economy is decidedly average. They are very slowly adapting to the new demands of the market and feeling outdone by the more industrious countries but they are still strong in fields where the advent of steam had moderate impact like: agriculture, light industry, carpentry and clocks. [b]Land Power:[/b] The Old Empire used to be a titan of military might and some spark of the old giant still remain. Chevroiéren hussars are known worldwide and the core of their army is known for their prowess. On the other hand Chevroiére has a relatively small army . Their artillery is also outdated and a relative dead end in terms of improvements. [b]Naval Power:[/b] Through the last 150 years Chevroiére suffered multiple naval catastrophes while also losing their key naval ports to rebuild. The current League Navy is only a shadow of its former glory with a fleet compromised almost exclusively of galleys. [b]Magic:[/b] Chevroiére is a theocracy with Arvandore as its state religion. The pious population, deep-running religious customs for a Gestalt faith and the institutionalized magic study all contribute to powerful magic. Unlike their technology the faith of Arvandore is constantly evolving and integrates new deities and ideologies. This makes the chevroiéren Gestalt magic surprisingly versatile. For some reason Chevroiére has a huge quantity of clerics with some degree of magic. The reason for this is unknown but about 25 years ago Chevroiére's magic became significantly stronger, almost overnight. [/hider] [/hider]