Jaden's gaze followed where the Karkonite pointed and nodded. In due time, the Namekian arrived and had rushed off in that direction as well. Jaden knew where that was going. For now, he focused his attention to other matters. "While my comrades are off raising hell, let's see about restoring communications, or at least figuring out an alternative until such communications can be restored." He suggested. "Do any of you have a map of the area?" When one was brought to him, Jaden figured the valleys were how these slavers were getting around undetected. That would also be where he'd need to go to pursue. Now, if communications were being jammed, that would mean that these people had some kind of jamming device on their person. Communication between Planet Breakers were simple enough, at least for those that can sense energy. Thinking on this, an idea occured. He looked to the nearest one. "Are any of you familiar with [i]Morse Code[/i], or smoke signals?" When one of the Karkonites answered, Jaden elaborated, "This is what I suggest: light a large fire and use some kind of covering to gather the smoke until releasing it. You can make the smoke clouds different sizes to represent different messages. Until communications are restored, we can use this to communicate. Got it?" "Now, might I take one of your rifles?"