Kaze blinked as he climbed and looked back down, the elven woman was using her summon to get up here. She asked if someone was hurt, as if he'd know! He couldn't see through things nor did he have any form of pain sense. He hung there, waiting for her to catch up before he felt a fingertip upon his brow. Cecilia could see his pupils turn into slits, a sure sign of annoyance from the unwanted contact. The woman said they were going to be going down soon, so he shrugged and started to slide down. His claws leaving deep furrows in the ancient stone, a good indicator of how tough they were. Most likely from his monk training, which was one of the first things they did. Body hardening without having to use Ki. He hadn't really paid attention to Yinha's summon launching her into the opening. She'd be fine, it seemed they had stumbled upon less asshole-ish adventurer's this time. He had missed the gobbledygook the dragonoid woman had spoke as he touched down on the ground. Almost immediately a piercingly loud exclamation burst from up top. Apparently something was happening now? He wasn't climbing up again to check shit out a second time. Looking up he got to see the new womans undergarments. Why did the mammalian races have such frilly underwear? It's not like anyone except their mate was likely to see them...unless they goofed like this fluttery trollop. When she landed she looked confused, but his judgement of the pink peoples facial expressions wasn't exactly the best. But...well...the confused partial uttering of some words kind of did it in for him. She was severely confused. When she recovered he tilted his head slightly at the words the was speaking. [color=crimson]"Tabs? system? The hell is a gamemaster?"[/color] He questioned before reaching out. He placed the back of his hand against her forehead, clearly checking for her temperature. Was she running a fever? Delirious? Was it contagious? Or was she just utterly insane?