Say something, Errant. Do something. Eat the sushi. Smile. Eat sushi while smiling. Breathe. Help her with the god damn chopsticks. Do something, Errant. Say something. This is the moment for a moving speech. Sara would toss out some clever, marketable quip here. Nobunaga would say something impenetrably profound. This is the moment to do these things. Or something like them. This is the moment to make that sisterly connection, reach out with one hand and risk the death squeeze again because simulated sensory feedback is better than nothing but broken chopsticks. For the love of [i]god[/i], take her by the arm and get the chopsticks to the sushi and the sushi to her mouth before she starts a fight. Give her tips. Tell her she learned an important lesson. Say something amazing about what those videos are for and how gratifying it is to get to meet someone they actually helped. Be vulnerable, mention the general lack of feedback or positive public response, the way that Production has always been kind of lukewarm about the series for a lot of the same reasons Cinders used to scoff at it. Tell her how she justifies all that work just by sitting here today. Promise to make her a hero. Promise right here and now, to do whatever it takes, pay whatever it takes to make sure she succeeds. Ask if she's got family. Find a place for her. [i]Be[/i] her family. Open that useless fucking mouth, Errant, and say SOMETHING. It can be a line from a movie, what the fuck ever, just do it. Do it before the moment is gone. Do it before... Errant is sitting there, mutely. Her food's as untouched as Cinders' is. There's something wrong with her heart right now. There's something wrong with the world. All of her feelings are falling away. All of the useless scenery is falling away. All of the sights, all of the sounds, all of the smells are falling away. She is muscle and alloy and nerve and skillwire, set to statue. She's watching a girl reach for a new pair of chopsticks, so carefully. Her eyes are wet amber. Her mouth is the tiniest bit agape. Her heart beats the only emotion it can remember right now, that most people would call love. Errant, superhero, Corporate Champion, Agent of AEGIS, [i]Princess[/i] of AEGIS... her universe's one and only Euna Kim, stares at a girl attached to her prototype limbs. She watches the fingers squeeze oh-so-carefully. Her eyes blur as they trace down the arm, across the shoulder. Down the body. She notes every inch of Cinders' physique. It fills her. She realizes she's not breathing. She starts again. She opens her mouth to say something, she's not sure what. Something simple, like 'thank you' or 'I'm glad it helped'. But she doesn't make it that far. A word chokes in her throat, and her lips twist themselves up into the kind of smile that's entirely too soft for the world it's living in. Her tears roll quietly down her cheeks. This is not a moment for words, after all. She wipes at her eyes with one finger, only for fresh love to trickle down in its place.